Go behind the scenes at Wilwood Engineering, Lightning reveals which new truck might not be able to be modded, and a listener calls out the guys to keep them honest.



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Lightning (0s):

Holman, welcome to the Shed Quarter. It is episode number seven oh oh. That just blew my headset

Holman (7s):

Off. You’re welcome. Stop saying stupid things. Although my buddy Sam coined that. So

Lightning (11s):

You don’t like the she,

Holman (12s):

Sam, listen, so I don’t, I don’t want don don’t wanna upset. No, it’s, it’s kinda like, like, okay, it’s like this, you came out of your mom’s womb and you were named Jay, and then you got renamed Lightning. Like, that’s not good for anybody.

Lightning (27s):

And then I was No dog for a minute and then Tweeter and then I came back to You went back to

Holman (31s):

Lightning? Yeah. Oh, okay. So. we were shed quarters last week. We’re going back to Pod shed this week. Okay. That’s how that’s gonna work.

Lightning (36s):

All right? I have some updates for you, by the way, what is, this is episode 17 of a season two 17. Yeah. All, right. Truck Show podcast. Have

Holman (42s):

We really done this for 17 weeks? Yeah.

Lightning (44s):

Let me, let me get this out. The number one truck podcast in the world. Did

Holman (48s):

You just say, let me get this out? Yeah. Well, ’cause you’re afraid you’re gonna lose your train of thought, weren’t you? Yeah,

Lightning (52s):

I was. See

Holman (53s):

There’s people listening, they’re like, wow, that was really rude of him. But I, I realized you’re not being rude. I realize you actually don’t possess the faculties. To finish a thought. If I, if I jump in, what are we

Lightning (1m 2s):

Talking about? So I want you to see my new Instagram account. Check this out. You like all the pictures of me? Oh, geez. And my family. Another

Holman (1m 11s):

One. What happened to wreck wheels?

Lightning (1m 13s):

Wait minute. Wait a minute. Scroll down the other way. Oh,

Holman (1m 16s):

This is funny because this is actually not you.

Lightning (1m 20s):

That’s Juan Hernandez. Yeah. 5, 5, 5 5. Whatever

Holman (1m 24s):

The hell it is. But it’s, it’s j j Hernandez. J o Hernandez. It’s spelled really weird. I,

Lightning (1m 31s):

So our friend Ben, at 4 0 6 Garage said, Hey, don, don’t, is this you I don know. Is this you? And I said, how? Hey, how did you find that? Well,

Holman (1m 39s):

A this is what, how long has it been up?

Lightning (1m 41s):

Don don’t know. Okay. So the first,

Holman (1m 42s):

But they have 496 followers,

Lightning (1m 44s):

Say Oh No. No.

Holman (1m 45s):

No, they don’t. Okay. December 24th is when it started. That’s your first post. I mean, Jay Hernandez. But check this out. This is what I can’t understand. You have 674 followers now, which is pretty big. And you’re following 196 people. But beyond all that, it’s actually has all of your own pictures.

Lightning (2m 8s):

Yes. But why

Holman (2m 9s):

Don don’t understand this.

Lightning (2m 11s):

So I looked at the 674 people that are following this account, and they’re all bots. They’re all other people that look exactly like this. They’re all tons of faces of the same person. What

Holman (2m 22s):

This is, what’s weird is normally they’ll just do six, or excuse me, four rows so that you’re below the fold. There’s nothing there. That’s usually how I can tell a fake account. Well, one of the many ways that, and it says Hi dear or whatever, and has a dude’s name for a girl and weird misspellings. But usually they don’t ha they don’t go through the effort to have that many photos of somebody. Well,

Lightning (2m 44s):

Again, if you look at all the people that are following, they’re all, they’re all fake.

Holman (2m 47s):

I want to see who Look

Lightning (2m 48s):

At ’em. They’re all, they’re all the Asian chicks that are fake.

Holman (2m 51s):

Are you telling me Divine Technologies is not real? Nope. They’re not.

Lightning (2m 55s):

Not real. I told you it’s, they’re all bots. It’s amazing.

Holman (2m 58s):

Yeah. It’s all from the Bali bot bar. So

Lightning (2m 60s):

They’ve all,

Holman (3m 0s):

Oh, Elon Musk follows you.

Lightning (3m 2s):

I don’t think so. That’s the fake Elon

Holman (3m 4s):

8 0 1 7 4. Anyway. Exactly.

Lightning (3m 6s):

So they’re all na everything is like Shain Williams, right? 7 6 0 4.

Holman (3m 10s):

Yeah. Julia oh 1 6 2 3 5 9 or Yeah, these, this is so,

Lightning (3m 15s):

It’s weird. I have my,

Holman (3m 16s):

My entire DMM box of the, of the ones that they flag Yeah. Is like hundreds of those, which

Lightning (3m 22s):

Is weird. So I haven’t been hacked. Like they didn’t hack my account. They just went in. No, you stole your stuff. They stole all of my content. Yeah, but not the photos of like me at Coachella. This la this last weekend. Yeah. They took just headshot. Right? Like me, me and my kid, whatever. So it looks like a, they actually did a nice job of curation,

Holman (3m 36s):

Right? It almost has as many followers as you do on your main account. Which No, I, which is really impressive.

Lightning (3m 40s):

I think I have over 6,000. what

Holman (3m 41s):

You at now?

Lightning (3m 42s):

I think, did you beat me? ’cause you were getting really

Holman (3m 44s):

Close. I think so. I think so. Let’s

Lightning (3m 45s):

Look, I gotta look. Let’s see what I’m at here. You tell me what you’re at.

Holman (3m 49s):

But I asked First

Lightning (3m 50s):

All, right? I’m at 6,083.

Holman (3m 52s):

I’m at 6,131. Oh,

Lightning (3m 54s):

You smoked me Look at that. Good job. Good for you. Yeah, I’ve been, I told you not not great at the Gram lately, but you know, I, I think I just, it’s funny, I just fired up the account right now and looked at it and I was about to say 6,087 and it dropped four people to 6,083. I was like, ah, I must,

Holman (4m 9s):

They’re all bots don’t feel bad.

Lightning (4m 10s):

Pissed off some people here. Nah,

Holman (4m 11s):

That wasn all bots. So

Lightning (4m 13s):

I, I wanted to celebrate a few things with you really quick here, Mr. Holman. Okay. First thing is, I wanted to show you a gift that was given to me.

Holman (4m 21s):


Lightning (4m 22s):

Check out this hoodie. Is this not the coolest hoodie you’ve ever seen? That’s

Holman (4m 27s):

Cool. Rock solid Motorsports from Chattanooga, Tennessee. That’s, yep. Our buddy. See how thick is that thing? It looks, look at, look at it.

Lightning (4m 32s):

That’s fricking awesome. That’s

Holman (4m 34s):

Really nice.

Lightning (4m 34s):

And our buddies out there at Tom’s four by four Superstore sent me this hoodie. ’cause remember, Tom’s and Rock Solid are part of the same company. So they’re the guys that are doing the, the V eight swaps. Yeah. And the Jeeps and whatnot. That’s cool. So I, a little thank

Holman (4m 47s):

You for having ’em on the show. Absolutely.

Lightning (4m 49s):

Yeah, dude, I love their logo. It’s a, it’s cool. It’s a, it looks like

Holman (4m 52s):

An old high school or baseball, like a

Lightning (4m 54s):

Tiger Sports logo

Holman (4m 54s):


Lightning (4m 55s):

Right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, that’s a Noga,

Holman (4m 57s):

Tennessee, that’s the, the font on Noga Tennessee is like an old circus tent font. Like all those posters you’d see back in like the Barnum and Bailey’s days or something. Like, thats cool.

Lightning (5m 6s):

I just could not love this more. So thank you very much to Rock Solid Motorsports and Tom’s four by four superstore out there in Nunga, Tennessee and also Holman. Yep. They have given us our inaugural stickers to apply onto the wall.

Holman (5m 21s):

So are we, is that a thing? I, I know I, me mentioned it’s a you,

Lightning (5m 24s):

It’s officially now a thing. Yes. All, right? So

Holman (5m 26s):

We’ve got a little triangle up at the top of the, at the top of the pod shed. Where

Lightning (5m 31s):

We’re you? See, what? is this the eave up there?

Holman (5m 33s):

Yeah. So we’re gonna put stickers up there for people who have been on the show. I think I’m gonna put, so it’s naked right now. I’ve got a whole grip of stickers.

Lightning (5m 41s):

Well, here, here, let’s start it with The. Truck Show Podcast sticker. Im gonna peel it off right here for you. All. right? I’m gonna get off the back end All. right. And I’m

Holman (5m 47s):

Gonna put it, hold on, I gotta move here. All, right? I’m gonna put the truck Show one on the steer horns.

Lightning (5m 53s):

This is Holman falling off a chair and Lightning finishing the show solo.

Holman (5m 57s):

No, you’d still hear me in the background. Okay.

Lightning (5m 59s):

On the floor. Just in agony. Yeah. All,

2 (6m 0s):

Right? All right. I’m going

Holman (6m 1s):

Up on the spinny

Lightning (6m 2s):

Chair. Okay. Oh, I’m seeing butt crack. That’s not good. Here we go. All, right? I saw

Holman (6m 6s):

Yours earlier.

Lightning (6m 6s):

So Yeah, I, yeah, I’m good at that. All, right? Here we go. All, right? He’s applying The, Truck Show Podcast sticker to the steer horns. That looks beautiful. Nope. It’s too, too high. What have you done? Too high. Too high. Yep. Angle it down so the guests in the room can see. Perfect. Exactly. Exactly. There you go. There it is. All. right on the wall. The All right now that we got that out of the way, you’ve got some audio you wanna play, but before that I wanna let everyone know that we have a great show lined up for you. We made a trek up to sch Millwood. Oh, I guess I can say it now, right?

Holman (6m 36s):


Lightning (6m 36s):

Engineering. Engineering. I was thinking that wasn the last episode. We said Schmill wood sch engineering. No,

Holman (6m 41s):

No, no. You said that. I said Wilwood. ’cause obviously you didn’t understand that you swap out the first level

Lightning (6m 46s):

Of I did understand. And yet that wasn ridiculous Wilwood, right? So anyway, we went up to Wilwood and Wilwood. I get it. Okay. Wilwood. Yep. In Camarillo, California. And they are one of the

Holman (6m 57s):

Te Gilis.

Lightning (6m 59s):

Yes. Still get it. Still not funny.

Holman (7m 2s):

Han Schulman

Lightning (7m 3s):

Wilwood. Yes. Okay. Just check it. All, right? So. we got that interview that actually we don’t do too many tours, but this is one not recently. No, not recently. But first I think Holman, you had some audio of you in the desert.

Holman (7m 16s):

Alright, so I guess this will be the, the perfect opportunity to let you guys know that our friends over at onX, Offroad have rejoined the podcast and they’ll be hanging out with us for a while.

Lightning (7m 27s):

No way. And

Holman (7m 28s):

If you go to basically YouTube to the onX Offroad channel, there was recently a, a video done on M D H C A with our good friend, desert Explorer Billy Creech, Billy

Lightning (7m 42s):


3 (7m 42s):

Desert Explorer.

Holman (7m 44s):

And of course the M D H C A is the Mojave Desert Heritage and Cultural Association. And that’s home of the Mojave Road and the East Mojave Heritage Trail, also known as the E M H T, which is one of the most badass trails in the United States. 733 miles through the Mojave Desert. Just a amazing, so our friends over at onX to give back to the community, they’ve been doing these like small feature films that are, you know, 15 minutes long or something like that.

Lightning (8m 11s):

We don’t have that kind of time. And

Holman (8m 12s):

They did one called Mojave Roads Preserving the Unknown. And so you’ll see some cameos in there. And I would like to play just a short clip for you.

4 (8m 21s):

These places eventually Sprout communities aggregates of people who once lured there, couldn’t imagine a life lived outside their proximity.

2 (8m 31s):

The desert is that place where nobody wants to go. And you just can’t imagine that people or things or anything survives out here. But at the right moment, like literally during this interview where it’s 79 degrees with a breeze as the sun setting, and you look around and you actually see Purple Mountains and puffy white clouds and the world is calm and you can hear wildlife around you. And, and the fact that you can experience and see history and experience history and live it, it’s, it’s everything that I love in one giant sandbox.

Holman (9m 4s):

So there you have it. That is a little cameo by yours, truly on Mojave Roads, preserving the Unknown. Again, you can find that on YouTube, on the onX Offroad channel. And what’s interesting is Onyx has,

Lightning (9m 14s):

Dude, by the way, this is shot

Holman (9m 15s):

Beautiful Oh No. It’s amazing. The cinematography on it is, is unbelievable. Onyx has about 10,000 subscribers and 55,000 views as of this right now. So I think

Lightning (9m 25s):

Look at you, look at Holman getting out there. Yeah.

Holman (9m 27s):

So it’s pretty cool. So if you guys wanna check that out. But like I said, Onyx is gonna do sponsor the show for the next quarter. So we’re happy to have ’em back. And since the last time they came on, we’re gonna have one of the guys from onX who’s been on before is going to return to do an interview and talk about all the changes that they’ve made. But there’s a lot of great stuff. So what

Lightning (9m 47s):

Do they have going on? What’s new over at onX? As

Holman (9m 49s):

You guys know, I love onX. I use it for all my personal stuff, all my routing and being prepared is,

Lightning (9m 54s):

Can I, I’m sorry to keep buttoning in on you. No you’re not. No I’m not. But I used this when I went out to the Mojave Desert when I went to Kopa. Yep. And that wasn freaking awesome. Well that was my first time. Like that

Holman (10m 4s):

Was a while ago. It’s better now. Really. It’s better now. So obviously when you wanna hit the back country, it’s all about having the right tools. So the onX Offroad map is the best for finding off-road trails, off-grid camping, you can do offline maps. So you still have it when there’s not a cell signal. It’s a fully functional app, even when you don’t have cell service. And we all know that’s where the best adventures start. onX is intuitive use. It’ll help you find open trails with just a tap of the map. And of course there’s the new features I was talking about. My favorite is Route Builder. You can easily snap together multiple trails, build a route quickly and easily, then share the route or a series of markups with your whole crew. So I can, but my last few trips, I built it on my laptop. I sent it to everybody who’s going on the trip and it shows up on my iPad.

Holman (10m 47s):

That’s cool.

Lightning (10m 47s):

That wasn really so on. When I went out there, I built it on my laptop and transferred it. And that wasn Rad is I, could I watch? I used it on CarPlay. Yeah. Like the Onyx app is still on my truck right now. Yeah, no,

Holman (10m 57s):

It’s, it’s

Lightning (10m 57s):

Cool. It’s, it’s one swipe to the, to the right.

Holman (10m 59s):

So Route Builder’s, a new game changing in-app feature or on your browser. Simple way to draw up and plan a trip you can share with your friends, see your line to follow when you’re on the trail. And that wasn built entirely in-house by off roaders. And people who love off-roading, who work for Onyx, they’re the real deal up there. You can draw a line that snaps trails with your mouse, your finger. It’ll provide live feedback about paths that could connect. So let’s say you’re looking at a map and you’ve got two different trails and you want to go from one trail to the other, but there’s no connective tissue, right? There’s no marked route. It’ll show you where there’s a trail that you can traverse and connect before you. Yeah. And you can, again, you draw it with your finger or you can do snap the grid where you can, you know, drag the line around, it’ll snap. Yeah. The trails on the map. Anyway, it’s available to both the premium and elite members.

Holman (11m 41s):

So head on over to the app store, whether it’s Android or Apple, you wanna download and onX. Offroad. I feel like we’ve grown with the product like it’s, it’s way better now than it used to be. that wasn a great idea. Well,

Lightning (11m 54s):

It’s gotten better and we haven’t, well

Holman (11m 55s):

We haven’t, but it, it started out as a really good idea. And I’m telling you, I kept sticking with it even when that wasn pretty bare bones in the beginning. The first time the guys came on. Now it’s this fully fledged app. I’m so happy to be in the ecosystem and I really appreciate them stepping up and I mean,

Lightning (12m 11s):

Can I can say this, it does looks like something that Apple built and that that’s beautiful. That’s meant as a compliment. Yeah, yeah. No it’s beautiful. It look, it is just seamless the way it integrated with

Holman (12m 20s):

CarPlay. And I’d say the other thing about onX, there’s a lot of apps out there. This was built for off roaders from the ground up. It wasn’t started from a different type of, you know, mapping deal and kind of shoehorned in it. Because a

Lightning (12m 30s):

Lot of that, yeah, they’ll go because

Holman (12m 31s):


Lightning (12m 31s):

Like hiking maps they’ll synchronize with like Google Maps or, or whatever

Holman (12m 34s):

Or, or there’s hiking maps out there or whatever. This was made for the Offroad or from the beginning. So, and

Lightning (12m 38s):

By the way, it’s not just desert, this is all of us Canada,

Holman (12m 42s):


Lightning (12m 43s):

Baha. So it’s not just don’t think Because, we’re on the West Coast. Don’t think like, oh it just for the desert. No, no, no. This is

Holman (12m 48s):


Lightning (12m 48s):

Freaking over.

Holman (12m 49s):

And when you get the premium subscription, you can also have access to property owners. So when you’re out exploring, you know, can I camp here? Am I in Forest Service b l m land or am I some dude’s property’s gonna chase me outta the shotgun about 1:00 AM. So onX is, is great for Adventure, also great for safety. So head on over to onX Offroad dot com Hey, you know where else I used onX?

Lightning (13m 13s):

Can I take a guess? Yeah. In your Nissan Titan. No, but when I

Holman (13m 16s):

Led the Nissan Frontier trip across the desert, ah, I did all my mapping and planning with onX. And if you wanna go on Adventure, there are very few Adventure partners as good and reliable as the Nissan Frontier Pro four X. And you guys have been seeing ’em all over. How do I know Because We have hundreds of emails and Lightning ran outta stickers for our hashtag frontier spotting campaign.

Lightning (13m 35s):

I should have more stickers coming in today as we’re recording. By the time you’re hearing this, I have more stickers. So keep the frontier spotting going. Start off kind of a joke. I didn’t know if you guys would do it, man. Freaking a, so what you’re doing is you’re taking a photograph of a Nissan frontier from the seat of your truck. And you’re sending that photo to us at Truck Show podcast@gmail.com.

Holman (13m 56s):

So you can get into a base model Frontier King Cab Ss for 29 3 70. That’s a four by two. But if you’ve been in the Nissan stuff, their base models don’t feel like base models. They’re, they’re really nice. Right? And of course if you wanna get into a, a nice Pro four X crew cab four by four, what do you think the base model of a Pro four X crew cab four by four is,

Lightning (14m 17s):

Okay, 40,500.

Holman (14m 20s):

So you can get into a Frontier Crew Cab Pro four x four by 4 38, 900 what Bill Bilstein are you lying to My face Rear locker, full skid plates all you’re

Lightning (14m 29s):

Lying all that to my face.

Holman (14m 30s):

And if you don’t need the Offroad package, but you still need four Wheel Drive, you get into a Frontier Crew Cab Ssv four by 4 36, 4 70. There’s not a lot of trucks on the market that are that well equipped for under 40 grand.

Lightning (14m 41s):

You’re a lying liar who lies.

Holman (14m 43s):

Nope. It’s all true. And of course if you need a bigger truck, you can get the Nissan Titan or the Nissan Titan xd.

Lightning (14m 48s):

They’ve got the industry leading warranty five year 100,000 miles.

Holman (14m 52s):

And I’ve got one in the driveway right now still.

Lightning (14m 54s):

Yeah, I know. I’m jealous. I’ve

Holman (14m 55s):

Been enjoying that truck quite a bit. Yep,

Lightning (14m 57s):

Yep. I’m not, it’s,

Holman (14m 57s):

It’s been doing airport runs, been towing stuff around. Alright, well you can find out which Nissan is right for you at your local dealer or Nissan usa.com.

Lightning (15m 6s):

If you have a Ram Eco Diesel. A Jeep EcoDiesel or maybe a Duramax 6.6 liter Diesel and you’re looking for more power. So you can pull the grade with your fifth Wheel and not have to downshift. You’re looking for a bank’s derringer inline tuner. It’s safe, effective, and best of all, it is warranty friendly. And by that I mean when you remove the Derringer tuner, it does not leave a trace. Your dealer ain’t gonna know that wasn ever there. Go to Banks power.com type in your year make and model to find the derringer tuner that will add power safely to your truck.

Holman (15m 38s):

And if you’ve got some clapped out, leaky old shocks on your ride, you want to head over to bill Bilstein us.com where you can find the shocks that will make your truck feel brand new again.

Lightning (15m 48s):

It’s amazing. How, much shocks can actually contribute to the ride quality. Like I don’t think they are

Holman (15m 53s):

The ride quality.

Lightning (15m 55s):

I, I guess so. I think people just don’t, I know my friends, they just assume shocks are shocks a lot of just regular people. But my God, they’re transformative

Holman (16m 6s):

Mono tubes designed, engineered, the originators Bill Bilstein. So every mono tube shock out there, which is the gold standard in suspension, that all came from Bill Bilstein. Bill Stein’s been around for 150 years, if you can believe that. Dang. And Bill Bilstein just announced a brand new partnership with Jeep performance parts. So if you get one of their J P P lift kits for the JL or the jt, the shocks are now custom to 46 millimeter remote reservoirs. So

Lightning (16m 31s):

Dang right there.

Holman (16m 32s):


Lightning (16m 33s):

A, quite an endorsement by the way. Well,

Holman (16m 34s):

A E V and now the 20th anniversary edition of the Wrangler with the level two package from aav also Bill Bilstein shocks on it. and then they’ve got a bunch of stuff in the aftermarket for two. They’ve got their own one inch JL lift kit with everything you need from Bill Bilstein. They can run 30 fives, especially on vehicles that aren’t Rubicons to start with. They’ve got a new 81 12 D S a plus 60 millimeter remote reservoir with dual speed compression damping adjusters and adjustable jounce cutoffs, which is basically internal hydraulic bump stop. Right. For a bunch of applications. and then they’re also covering CUVs Subaru, Crosstreks Jeep Renegades. And they also have a killer new look with their U T V lineup. Those

Lightning (17m 9s):

Are the ones we saw at sema. Those are jewelry. Jewelry.

Holman (17m 12s):

Oh you should, you should’ve seen the ones at Moab. It’s, it’s what? They’re further along now. No.

Lightning (17m 15s):

Oh dude, they not

Holman (17m 16s):

Possible. They’re

Lightning (17m 17s):

Sick. Not possible.

Holman (17m 18s):

It’s possible lighting. It’s possible.

Lightning (17m 21s):

Okay. I’ll buy in

Holman (17m 22s):

Bilstein us.com

5 (17m 24s):

The truck show. We’re gonna show you what we know. We’re gonna answer What The truck truck rode. The truck show. We have the lifted. We have the lowered and everything in between. We’ll talk about trucks that run on Diesel and the ones that run on gasoline. The truck show. The truck show. The truck show. Whoa.

6 (17m 56s):

It’s the truck show with your hosts Lightning and Holman

Holman (18m 1s):

Sing along with us won’t ya? I think they do the truck

Lightning (18m 3s):

Show, don’t you think they do?

Holman (18m 4s):

I think so. Yeah think they should. We sing along with it. We’ve been doing it for almost, what, five and a half years and 280 episodes or something.

Lightning (18m 12s):

It’s something amazing. I think we’ve only missed one week,

Holman (18m 15s):

Maybe two, two weeks out of five two. And they were holiday weeks too or something like that. People

Lightning (18m 19s):

Ask us like, Hey, I’m thinking about starting a podcast. What do I need to know? I go, can you do it every week for five years? And they’re like,

Holman (18m 24s):

Consistency. They’re like,

Lightning (18m 25s):

Well I don’t know. I go Then don’t start, dude.

Holman (18m 27s):

It’s, it’s not easy. You know it, it’s, I think people think you talk into your phone and then you upload it and you have a podcast. Dude, podcasts are hard.

Lightning (18m 35s):

So you can go for, look, you can go b and h or freaking guitar Center, buy the equipment big. That’s no big deal. You can be a whole package for three and oh bucks. You get your mic in a little board, whatever that So the audio quality is handled. Okay. It’s not like when we started,

Holman (18m 46s):

Well listen, there’s only one Lightning out there. You can’t buy him. I bought him already. Well

Lightning (18m 50s):

That’s true. Yeah. There’s not, there’s only one. Thank God there’s not, not enough room for me. But it’s that consistency man. We’re just po

Holman (18m 56s):

Fades. That’s what they call it. Po fade

Lightning (18m 57s):

Pod fade. Yeah. Well we’re, what’s wrong with us? Like how do we keep doing it? I don don

Holman (19m 0s):

Don’t know. I just, I think we’re programmed kinda like waking up in the morning. I’m like, oh, it’s Tuesday night. Guess what I’m doing?

Lightning (19m 5s):

I wish I had this from the gym. No know what

Holman (19m 7s):

It is. Oh, maybe we should do a gym slash podcast studio. We can work out while we’re doing the podcast and we’ll just kill two birds of one stone.

Lightning (19m 15s):

No one wants to hear is panting as

Holman (19m 16s):

We’re No they don’t. But talking about trucks, what’s better for us? I think the only reason we do it is ’cause you show up at my house and I’m like, oh yeah, it’s that day, isn’t it?

Lightning (19m 24s):

I mean, for me it’s still, I go out of my way to come down here and do it and all that. Wait a minute.

Holman (19m 30s):

You just, I made your life easier. No,

Lightning (19m 31s):

No, no, no, no, no, no. What I’m saying is it’s like we’re

Holman (19m 34s):

15 minutes from your house,

Lightning (19m 35s):

But Oh God no. I’m not complaining. What I’m saying is it it for me, I’m leaving work and I’m going somewhere to do something. Yes. And so that wasn like, it’s a change of pace. It’s actually kind of nice for you. You just like open the back door and walk

Holman (19m 48s):

Outside. Well now I do. Right? Yeah. Which is pretty great. Yeah, I,

Lightning (19m 51s):

I know. But

Holman (19m 52s):

Listen, before we get too far down the road with, I know we wanna get to our Wilwood interview. We talked about it last week and then we didn’t do it. You had some nitty gritty on some certain new truck that wasn’t gonna allow anyone to put aftermarket parts on it.

Lightning (20m 5s):

So here’s the thing is I borrowed a 2024 G M C Sierra Denali Ultimate 3,500 hd. That

Holman (20m 12s):

Had to be expensive. ’cause there were a lot of syllables in what you just said. Sticker

Lightning (20m 15s):

Was 99. I think the dude paid about a buck whatever, 10 with tax and license and all that good stuff.

Holman (20m 22s):

Can you imagine his registration? Oh

Lightning (20m 24s):

Yeah. Wow. Ouch. Yeah. More expensive than my truck.

Holman (20m 28s):

Oh yeah. It’s wild.

Lightning (20m 29s):

I I’ve told you on the last episode or two ago, I, I said that that wasn, it’s a beautiful writing truck. They put more sound deadening in it. I was hitting the speed limit or I was knocking against 98 miles an hour on a closed course on a, in Mexico on a closed course. I got up to speed so much faster than I expected. So the 20 fours got 20, 25 horsepower more than the 23. They improved a few things. The tune the cooling stacks a little better. Things like, but that is not really what interested me. I was excited about taking, you know I work at Banks obviously, and I was excited about taking the intake, the exhaust, the derringer tuner, the ramir diff cover, the pedal monster, the ID dash.

Lightning (21m 11s):

Moving it from the 23 right on over to the 24. Right. Because

Holman (21m 15s):

It looks the same. Just what

Lightning (21m 16s):

We call that as a,

Holman (21m 17s):

A mild freshening.

Lightning (21m 17s):

We call that a product A a product extension mid-cycle

Holman (21m 20s):

Freshening. No problem. That’s what we

Lightning (21m 22s):

Hoped for

Holman (21m 23s):


Lightning (21m 24s):

GM smacked us upside the head. Yeah. And said not so much my friends out there in California. Mm. So the 24 AXS went from one math sensor. Yeah. Mass airflow sensor to two. So they launched that in the 22 and a half Lmm two. It might’ve been in the earlier 22 LMM two, which is the three liter, regardless it is now on the 24 duramax with the, the big boy 6.6 liter. So going to two MAV sensors and a pressure sensor means that we couldn’t just put an intake on the truck and nor can SS and B A F E volant any of those brands

Holman (22m 1s):

Because So how do you solve for that lighting So?

Lightning (22m 4s):

We Oh well we are going to have an air mass control module that will intercept both math sensors and elegantly lie to the E C M.

Holman (22m 14s):

You know what’s funny is they used to call that bastard stacking or bastard boxes back in the day just for your engine. Now you have to do it for your intake.

Lightning (22m 22s):

Do you know that Gail patented the air mass control module

Holman (22m 26s):

And now they’re using it against him for evil?

Lightning (22m 29s):

No, he patented that module. So now all the new Banks in don don’t mean this is not supposed to sound like a Banks commercial. This is an interesting story. It happened on the last one On the 20. On the 2020 duramax. It had a single mouse sensor. Yeah. And we found that if we altered the diameter at the mouse sensor Yeah. It

Holman (22m 48s):

Threw everything off at at all.

Lightning (22m 49s):

Yeah. Instant check engine light. So the competition had a big air box, but the tube that came out of the filter that math sensor slides into, it looks like a don don’t know. A reed valve or something. Right. Okay. That’s what I’m, if you’ve never seen a math sensor Yeah. And the air goes by it and it measures the weight, the density of the air. Right. and then how it, that’s how the engine’s control module determines How much fuel to add to the air. It needs to know the weight of the air. Okay. So, we can’t screw with that. How? How are we gonna make a big ass tube?

Holman (23m 20s):

Yeah. Bigger

Lightning (23m 21s):

That goes from the air box to the turbo and improve the flow and the air density if we can’t adjust the area at the MAV sensor in the tube. So Gail says, well why don’t we just fool the E cm? Right.

Holman (23m 34s):

Same way you used to do with engines back in the day or the trans control modules or

Lightning (23m 38s):

So he proceeds to write a patent. Okay. And he proceeds to get said patents. So that means on an air mass control module. So now

Holman (23m 46s):

That means to you he’s gonna own the market.

Lightning (23m 47s):

Bingo. Yep. Bingo. So, we launched it with the 2020. It’s the 4 2 2 6 6. How do I know that number is live and

Holman (23m 54s):

Breathe right

Lightning (23m 55s):

Now The most, that is the most popular intake we’ve ever sold. Check this

Holman (23m 58s):

Out. 4 2 2 6 6 dash revision C. This is This is

Lightning (24m 0s):

Crazy Now. So normally we launch, I’m gonna give not not gonna give away the actual numbers ’cause I’ll be scolded. But we normally launch an intake on the first weekend. Let’s say we sell a few dozen, maybe a hundred. Who knows Right? Depending on the model and how popular the truck is. We went on sale with the sucker and they found out about this module and all that it could do. Right. Because We can flow as much air as we want. Right. Because We can tell the EEC m something else. Right. We sold thousands the first weekend. Hmm. It took us almost a year to unbury ourselves. Did it,

Holman (24m 38s):

Did it also make more power? Yes. Interesting.

Lightning (24m 40s):

Yeah. So the other guys, the other competitors, if you look at them, the ma the tube at the MAV sensor neck

Holman (24m 49s):

Down is exactly

Lightning (24m 49s):

Down is stock. Yeah. It doesn’t matter how big their filter is. Right? At the MAV sensor, it’s stock. So you’re necking all the way down and the new one, this new 24 derm max is gonna have to have two or one sensor that don don’t know how it’s gonna work. ’cause I’m not, not an electrical engineer, but we’re gonna have to do the same thing for this one. But, but times two, what the hell? And it’s got a freaking of pressure sensor. Did you know this? I didn’t know this about all the, the newer trucks. They’ve got a pressure sensor that’s looking for not more pressure Holman Less. Less. You know why?

Holman (25m 20s):

Because it changes emissions. Nope. Because it leans out the fuel. Nope. ’cause it enriches. Enriches the flow

Lightning (25m 29s):

Negative because

Holman (25m 30s):

It’s noisy.

Lightning (25m 32s):

No, so

Holman (25m 33s):

Because it likes brunettes

Lightning (25m 34s):

Because some of the trucks have a habit of getting the filters so dirty. Ah. It sucks the filters sideways and it tacos the filter.

Holman (25m 44s):

Sure. and then you don’t have a filter anymore ’cause people don’t do maintenance. Got imagine

Lightning (25m 47s):

You’ve all seen the Flad filters. If you’ve got a Durmax, you got a Ram or whatever, they have Flad paper filters and it, they get so dirty or worse in the rams. It’s like an epidemic. The guys were sucking snow into ’em. Yeah. and then it starts melting. It gets wet. and then this filter Holman. Yep. It tacos. It creates an A shape. Yep. And what it does is,

Holman (26m 7s):

And then the air flows around it because it doesn’t

Lightning (26m 8s):

Fit bang go, the air goes around it. So when the air goes around it, the pressure goes down and the pressure sensor tells the EEC m whoa, whoa, whoa. You got a bad filter. There’s a hole in the filter. And so it sets the pressure light and it says go to the dealer and all that stuff. So now we have to manipulate both the pressure sensor and the mass airflow sensor. Why do we have to screw the pressure sensor? Because We are dropping the pressure. Right? Because, We

Holman (26m 31s):

Have a, you’re flowing more.

Lightning (26m 32s):

We’re flowing more air. So we’ve gotta manipulate all these things. All. right. That’s just the first thing in the durmax. Then these dudes add a new map sensor and F R P sensor.

Holman (26m 42s):

These dudes you mean gm? Gm

Lightning (26m 44s):

Got it. These dudes. I’m

Holman (26m 46s):

Some, some people in the closet. I didn’t know. Yeah. I didn’t know if there were some guys that were, you like showed up at midnight and the hood was up and that’s

Lightning (26m 52s):

Not that’s not fair. The engineers at General Motors design.

Holman (26m 54s):

No, these dudes, I like these dudes better. Yeah, these dudes by the way, that’s their new internal nickname for each other after the shows. These dudes not a skunkwork, these dudes? No, it’s these dudes.

Lightning (27m 1s):

So they, they Update the ma the manifold absolute pressure sensor, which is your air, your boost. Okay. And the F R P sensor, your fuel rail pressure sensor. Yep. And everything is controlled by the fuel rail pressure. It determines so much that happens in your car or truck with a common rail system. Right. So they changed both those sensors. What does that mean? I, we can’t take and superimpose our derringer right on over from the 23 to 2 2 24. It’s gonna take us months to do it. So that sucks. If you’re waiting for a derringer for your new 24, you’re excited to like get some more power as if it didn’t have enough power already. You’re gonna have to wait till probably end of summer.

Lightning (27m 43s):

So then we’re like okay, we can get past that. Let’s just bolt on our, our monster exhaust, our five inch monster exhaust.

Holman (27m 50s):

Right. ’cause You know what monster exhaust. Big old tip and no problem. You’re just gonna, you’re just gonna bolt it onto the back of the whole midpipe and it just perfect because

Lightning (27m 59s):

Listen, there’s, you’ve got the giant Diesel particulate filter. Yeah. And it’s gonna go after the D P F. Right? It’s, it doesn’t even have anything to do with emissions at all. No, we’re just gonna, ’cause it looks the same. We’re gonna bolt it up. So what do we do? It goes from the four inch diameter right after the D P F. Yeah. And it wedges up very organically to five inch. and then there’s the two pressure sensors after that are in our new pipe and then it goes out to the monster sidekick tip. Okay. We install it, we drive it around the block check engine light.

Holman (28m 36s):

That’s funny. They

Lightning (28m 38s):

Updated the delta pressure sensors. So how

Holman (28m 41s):

All I’m thinking right now is old trucks are gonna become so valuable ’cause they’ll be the only things you can work on. All these other trucks are gonna be good for 10 or 15 years and then nobody’s gonna make parts for ’em ’cause they’re so many damn parts. Like you look at a company like L M C or something for example, who is like, oh we’ll just go buy the original stamping for that fender and we’ll just make it ourself. Or oh, here’s that instrument cluster. We, we will just make our own. Or we’ll, whatever, you know, automotive company, hey we can remake that seat who’s remaking all these little itty bitty sensors that get updated eight times a year and superseded new part numbers. Yeah. How are you gonna keep these trucks going in 25 years?

Lightning (29m 19s):

Don’t know. Don’t know. It’s crazy. Don’t know. I mean, we don’t supply those parts.

Holman (29m 23s):

Well that’s what I’m saying is, is the dealer’s only gonna have ’em for so long and then, you know, DENSO is making, or Bosch or whoever’s the cheer wants supply. Like who’s is it? Is it AutoZone is gonna be like, hey we reverse engineered it and we got the right p I mean it’s possible. I mean, might mean you

Lightning (29m 41s):

Can buy Delta pressure sensors. The problem is the fittings, the lines that’s that’s I’m saying connect

Holman (29m 46s):

The direct replacement. It’s gonna be hard for people who wanna be enthusiasts to do stuff with this generation of vehicles now. Right.

Lightning (29m 54s):

So let me paint the picture. So you’re thinking like, what does he mean? The pressure sensors, you got your Diesel particulate filter. How does the truck know when it’s full? How does the truck know when your D P F is full of soot? There’s a sensor in front of it and a sensor behind it and it looks at the pressure between those sensors. Right. And when it senses no pressure at the back sensor, it goes, oh, it’s must be full. There’s no air flowing by it. Right, right. So at let’s

Holman (30m 19s):

It thinks your DPF is is trying to match the flow at the beginning and they know. Yeah, that’s exactly. And it’s going uhoh danger will Robinson, it’s, it’s

Lightning (30m 26s):

Full of soot. Let’s start a regeneration and let’s burn all the soot out of there. So,

Holman (30m 29s):

And then there goes your dpf, you’re not actually helping it because it’s artificial or it’s, it’s prematurely burning through it. So,

Lightning (30m 35s):

So the point is though, the two sensors that come in the stock pipe, you unscrew outta the four-inch

Holman (30m 41s):

Piece of pipe you throw, you throw them away. No, no,

Lightning (30m 43s):

No, no, no, no, no, no. Got it. So you unscrew them outta the four-inch stock pipe. Yeah. and then you screw them into our five inch pipe. Therein lies the problem. Right. You screw them into our five inch pipe.

Holman (30m 53s):

So you have to make it four inch pipe that goes into a five inch later. But you probably only have what, 18 inches or less? 20 less Oh than 18

Lightning (31m 1s):


Holman (31m 2s):

So you might as well just put a tip on it and be done. So, we

Lightning (31m 4s):

Don’t want to no one’s we, we, I would love to sell the tip but we,

Holman (31m 7s):

People would buy just the tip. They,

Lightning (31m 9s):

They might, they ask for it. We don’t sell. You have to buy the whole thing thing. So check it out. We’re like oh my, what are we gonna do with you call

Holman (31m 15s):

It the super tip and you can make it a tip that’s longer than most tips. So.

Lightning (31m 18s):

We don’t have a solution for it yet. As if that’s not enough.

Holman (31m 22s):

Wait, there’s more.

Lightning (31m 22s):

General motors changes the can network and the way it works. So is it the controller area network?

Holman (31m 29s):

So is it a new standard? ’cause there’s a few different can standards out there. Well so

Lightning (31m 32s):

It’s Global B Oh that’s

Holman (31m 34s):


Lightning (31m 34s):

It’s Global B there’s But it’s not just global B that’s causing the issue. which by the

Holman (31m 37s):

Way, global B is a new basically platform for it’s way all the engine management systems,

Lightning (31m 44s):

It’s way all the modules in the vehicle talk to each other.

Holman (31m 46s):

It’s the latest version of that. It’s a new vehicle E C M A architecture basically, I guess

Lightning (31m 52s):

Say, and it’s supposed to be hack proof. It won’t be, I think there’s a company that’s already hacked into it and and done some stuff. You have to physically go into the EEC M if you wanna make changes,

Holman (31m 60s):

Solder off shit solder

Lightning (32m 1s):

Stuff, whatever. But you can’t just go into the E C M and make your tunes like you had in the past with like e f I live. Well

Holman (32m 6s):

You should Sad, sad trombone that too. That’s getting hard to be an enthusiast these days.

Lightning (32m 13s):

So then like even our freaking pedal monster.

Holman (32m 17s):

No way even that will work.

Lightning (32m 19s):

It works, but it doesn’t have reverse safety yet. It will. The guys have already cracked it. So I think by the time you’re hearing this, it’s already got reverse safety where you, that’s when you back up with a pedal monster. So you have stock throttle in reverse so you don’t run everyone over. But, so that’s already been done. That was a priority. Or

Holman (32m 36s):

Back your boat Hardcore into the water. Yep.

Lightning (32m 39s):

Qualified captain action. Yeah. Qual.

Holman (32m 41s):

Oh so great. Sure.

Lightning (32m 42s):

So all those things add up to General Motors not playing nice with the aftermarket. Yeah. I don’t think that’s the reason. I don’t think they’re trying to No. After

Holman (32m 50s):

Market’s obviously secondary. Yeah. I think there are people within GM who, who love the aftermarket GM obviously, you know, embraces it in a lot of different ways, especially their genuine accessory line through Chevy performance parts. But when you’re, you’ve got a lot of vehicle regulations and things like that. That’s, that’s secondary. Yeah.

Lightning (33m 8s):

So then I head down to my buddies at C J C Offroad. Yep. Which I think should be, do you know the guys that’s Andrew and the and Cody over C J C?

Holman (33m 16s):

I don’t. I know of them. I follow ’em on Instagram and they do some really, really killer super duty bills lately. But they’re doing, they do Ram and Ram. So they’re

Lightning (33m 22s):

Straight after guys heavy duty

Holman (33m 23s):

Stuff. Yeah, yeah, for sure.

Lightning (33m 24s):

For sure. They have a great story.

Holman (33m 25s):

Bring ’em down. Let’s do it. They have

Lightning (33m 26s):

A great story about let’s have on podcast like Carly s like

Holman (33m 30s):

Yeah, they’re they’re just up the freeway from us. That’s exactly

Lightning (33m 31s):

Right. So bring ’em

Holman (33m 32s):

Down the budget. They’re,

Lightning (33m 33s):

They’re totally down to tell’em bring stickers.

Holman (33m 34s):


Lightning (33m 35s):

So they’re good. The reason I bring them ’em up as I go down, I’m dropping off one of our customer’s trucks. We, we did all the stuff on, on her Ram truck. We’re doing like a pin my ride as a, as a favor for this, for this woman. Super awesome. After all the bank stuff is put on, bring it to cjc and they’re gonna put a Carly pin top lift on new race line wheels Toyota tires. They actually, they put in RTSs. It’s gorgeous. Nice. It’s really, really cool. And what do I see in front? A 23 Ford F two 50. Yeah. If you know anything about Ford right now, you know that the 20 threes are just hitting the streets just now. Did you wiggle

Holman (34m 11s):

These steps on the rear bumper?

Lightning (34m 13s):

No, I didn’t that, I completely forgot about that. But as soon as I rolled up, I go, Hey, that’s a Ford F two 50 with steps in the side of the bed. I go, that’s a 23. and then you see where it says Ford F two 50 on the side. It’s like those gills, what do you call those things? On the, in front of the doors in the, in the backs of the front fenders. You know the, the logo strips that’re vertical, what would you call that?

Holman (34m 32s):

The logo strips?

Lightning (34m 34s):

Yeah. So right at the door seam. Yeah, between the door and the fender. Yeah. It’s the big Ford logo that’s vertical. Usually made outta black plastic. It’s like 1820 inches tall.

Holman (34m 43s):

You’re talking about the front fender? Yeah, front

Lightning (34m 45s):

Fender. Oh

Holman (34m 45s):

Badge. The vent that applica. It’s big.

Lightning (34m 48s):

It’s huge Now. Okay. The application. Sure, sure. It’s, but okay. Anyway, so it, that’s a dead giveaway that wasn a 23. Turns out that a friends at Ford followed suit and they’ve changed all bunches of stuff on the 23. They did a bunch of stuff. They moved the battery. They, they, it looks like the airbox might be just ever so slightly different. We know that the tune is different because the truck’s got more horsepower. It just, it’s like, come on guys, can you just like, they, I’m happy because the truck is freaking gorgeous and if you’re in the market for a new truck, you’re gonna have a rough time between the 24 durmax and the 23 Ford.

Lightning (35m 28s):

The 23 Ram is pretty much the same as the 22. No real big changes there. But anyway, getting back to the score.

Holman (35m 34s):

So what you’re saying is if you like intake exhaust and pedal monsters, just get a Ram. A Ram.

Lightning (35m 39s):

Yeah. Because everything carried right on over to the 23. That’s the same truck. Super fun. Yeah, exactly. So here’s another tidbit that I learned when I was over at C J C staring at their 23. And, and Andrew was kind of telling me about, Hey, we just installed their, the Carly kid on it, whatever. And he goes, there’s a couple of components that are different in the front end that lead us to believe that it’s designed for 37 inch tires. Now that truck did not have 30 sevens on it. Of course it did. After their lift. The

Holman (36m 6s):

The tremor by the way has 30 fives from the factory. Right.

Lightning (36m 9s):

But he says this from all the guy, all that the CJC guys have seen, this is really leading them to believe that there is going to be a 37 inch tire addition of the four F

Holman (36m 21s):

Two 50. So what was changed

Lightning (36m 24s):

Steering components and there was some width had been narrowed. And I, I, forgive me, we’ll get the guys on the show to talk about cross

Holman (36m 31s):

Member frame. Don’t know.

Lightning (36m 33s):

Yeah. that wasn crossmember, there was some new mounts that had banned really beefy cast aluminum mounts that had, they got

Holman (36m 39s):

30 sevens on a Bronco and 30 sevens on a Raptor, a Bronco Raptor and a F one 50 Raptor. So

Lightning (36m 44s):

I, they said they think it’s coming. Yeah. You’re gonna be able to buy a th a an F two 50 with 30 sevens from the factory.

Holman (36m 49s):

I mean that’s pretty damn solid. Yeah,

Lightning (36m 51s):

That’s cool. So anyway, it’s all good for you. It’s not necessarily all good for aftermarket parts of manufacturers.

Holman (36m 58s):

Well it’s good if you like stock trucks allegedly.

Lightning (37m 1s):

Yes. Allegedly. But

Holman (37m 2s):

For those of us who are enthusiasts who like to modify our trucks, I think we should get into our next segment, which is actually about the love and joy of making aftermarket parts.

Lightning (37m 12s):

Absolutely. So the voices you’re going to hear are from Mike Hamrick, the promotions manager and Steve Cornelius, the director of sales and marketing at Wilwood Engineering.

Holman (37m 21s):

And I can never think of Steve Cornelius without saying and his name Cornelius because I just, I can’t do that. wasn a commercial a couple years ago where that wasn, this old timey guy I think it was like for the lotto or something like that. And he’s in like a steam punk like old balloon. And he has this dog that he, he is like going around the world ’cause he is rich and he’s got like a monocle and his dog. He goes and his name’s Coney. Yes. Did

Lightning (37m 46s):

He have the pants that have the tie? Just a Yes. All below the knees. But

Holman (37m 49s):

I have to laugh because every time I hear Cornelius, all I do is see the image of the stupid dog from this commercial and him saying, and his name’s Cornelius. Well I think it’s awesome.

8 (37m 59s):

Oh my goodness. What kind of dog is he? Corny is mut corny. He is a good corn. His name is Cornelius. Cornelius.

Lightning (38m 11s):

You’re gonna have to listen to this tour of Wilwood to find out if Holman actually said it out loud in front of Steve.

Holman (38m 16s):

Sorry Steve.

Lightning (38m 19s):

So Holman says, let’s see how the sausage is made. Just off mic. Mike, I’m not sure that’s the way that we wanna start this podcast.

Holman (38m 25s):

Whatcha talking about? Why are you so gross?

Lightning (38m 28s):

Well, I’m the gross one, Mr. Dick, master General.

Holman (38m 32s):

Is that official title? Yes. I want that on my next general batch of truck show podcast business cards.

Lightning (38m 37s):

Steve, do you know that Holman has an affliction by which he has to draw a penis everywhere. So if there’s a dry erase marker, a sharpie a a sandy beach, he’ll put a dick and balls in.

Holman (38m 51s):

No, only in your office.

Lightning (38m 52s):

No, it’s everywhere.

9 (38m 53s):

On your chin or,

Holman (38m 55s):

Well, I mean that’s why he won’t take naps near me.

Lightning (38m 58s):

Don’t fall asleep guys with a sharpie and Holman I don talking. Yeah,

9 (39m 2s):

I’m saying sleep with one eye open a sharpie and Holman

Holman (39m 4s):

All. right. That sounds bad. Listen, here we go. We, we gotta let, let’s, let’s set the stage. We’re at Wilwood in Camarillo, California where they just put a massive set of, I’m gonna get it right. TX six R breaks. We

Lightning (39m 19s):

Got it. Even I know that

Holman (39m 21s):

On you’re T R X.

Lightning (39m 22s):

Yep. And we went for a spirited jaunt around Camarillo just now.

Holman (39m 27s):

And are you about ready to puke?

Lightning (39m 29s):

Actually did get a little lightheaded. Yes. Because

Holman (39m 31s):

In your old age that inner ear is hardening man. And it is not easy like it used to be.

Lightning (39m 35s):

So Mike quote unquote bedded the brakes and yeah,

Holman (39m 39s):

You have to bed in the brakes and

Lightning (39m 40s):

And that consisted of what Mike?

10 (39m 41s):


Lightning (39m 43s):

Saturation. Yes it did. So, we did a lot of like 45 to zeros, 60 to zeros, et cetera.

Holman (39m 48s):

Well there should have been a lot of 40 fives to like fifteens and stuff like that. Right. Still rolling.

10 (39m 52s):

So I, I try to do it. So you’re gonna do it in like your street. so Yeah.

Holman (39m 56s):

Okay so what’s the proper from the brake expert? What’s the proper bed and procedure? Somebody does it

10 (40m 1s):

On a street car. Yes. Or in your case truck. I try to explain to people, try to do it in an area where the speed limit’s about 45. ’cause then you’re not breaking laws, everything’s legit. Make sure it’s a clean, open area. Nice coefficient of friction to the ground, not in a dirt area. Right. and then down to 20, but almost as though a child ran out in front of you. Just panic. Stop. ’cause what we want to do is it’s like heat treating metal. We wanna do it in stages and get it warmer and warmer and warmer than to hot. Than to really hot.

Lightning (40m 33s):

Now this sounds contrary to popular belief where you’re supposed to be easy on the brakes. No,

Holman (40m 37s):

No. You don’t wanna be easy on the brakes.

10 (40m 39s):

No, we want to, we want to saturate the system so that the calipers, the pads, the rotors, everything are the same temperature and the binder in the brake pad gets onto the face of the rotor. That’s how you get the system to work properly. Especially you know, after 5,000 miles you’ll be happy with the brakes.

Lightning (40m 57s):

So the e coating started to come off. We can see just now it’s more of a, a steel color in there. So. we know that wasn working.

10 (41m 4s):

It it, it came off pretty quick actually.

Holman (41m 6s):

Yeah, probably with the first brake application. Yeah.

10 (41m 8s):

Yeah. And a 6,100 pound truck. I think the eco came off pretty quick and

Lightning (41m 13s):

Then that wasn your first launch. So he was driving and Steve you were over here a few blocks over. Could you hear us do the launch? Yeah,

9 (41m 20s):

You could definitely hear the launch on It’s like

Holman (41m 21s):

We were laughing too sweet. In fact, I said that lighting’s truck doesn’t have an odometer. It actually has a taxi fair gauge for How. much gas is going through it, right? Yeah.

9 (41m 29s):

Just constantly running. But yeah, well and yeah, I mean especially with the exhaust on it, you can can hear that thing. Watch, read. It’s pretty sweet.

Lightning (41m 35s):

Alright. So, we are going to go for a tour. Is that right? Yeah, well

Holman (41m 39s):

Hold on before we go for a tour. Wait. Oh So, we didn’t explain that. The e-coat comes on all the brake rotors. Okay. So the brake rotors come completely black so that you don’t have any surface rust or anything like that. and then that’s natural to wear off and then where the vents are and the side of the rotor stays e-coated. and then we, I don’t know that we explained the difference between your stock brake system and what you just put on. So maybe talk about the big brake kit and then we’ll go for a tour.

10 (41m 60s):

Well at, at the end of the day the, the big advantage of this brake system is you’re going to a fixed amount caliper. So that means that you have equal amount of force on both faces of the rotor. Whereas your factory brakes were two pistons pushing while the caliper was pulling. So there’s a lot of compliance in the system. So by going to a fixed mount, what that does is it gives you a better pedal feel. which by

Lightning (42m 25s):

The way, I could immediately feel

10 (42m 27s):

Yeah. So you, you’re not gonna have as long of a brake pedal with the same amount of effort that you’re giving or applying to the system. So it’s gonna be dramatic, especially after these brakes cool off. You’re gonna drive home tonight and you’re gonna be like whoa, it’s gonna make a big difference. It’s

Holman (42m 42s):

Gonna be really awesome and stop and go traffic all the way home to where you are gonna go from 10 to zero, 10 to zero.

10 (42m 47s):

The other big thing is we went to a two piece hat rotor. So what that means is instead of your factory rotor, which was 14 and three quarter by inch and a quarter, so pretty stout, right? And the truck even came with an 18 inch Wheel was pretty much molded around that big break. Right? We went to a two piece. So now we’ve got a rotor that’s cast iron bolted to a forged aluminum hat. So everybody goes, well what does that do? Well we looked at the numbers earlier and we saved a bunch of weight, didn’t we?

Lightning (43m 18s):

11 pounds per corner holeman of unsprung weight. Yep.

10 (43m 21s):

So now we’re on a 16 inch by inch and three eighths rotor that’s attached to a forged aluminum hat, which now we’re dissipating all of that temperature into that forged aluminum hat. So it’s almost like a heat sink and then it’s dissipating the heat a lot better for us. Right. The other big thing that I was telling you earlier about is everybody doesn’t realize that that forged aluminum hat is not gonna be such a heat sink to make your bearings wear out in your hubs so quick. You’ll have longevity of hubs and people don’t think about those things.

Holman (43m 53s):

Right. Because the cast iron one piece rotor that comes on most factory vehicles, they are a heat sink. Yeah. And it’s basically it keeps the heat in, it doesn’t really shed them out. So all that, it’s like an oven. All that heat is sitting there against your Wheel bearings all the time. Versus when you go to a aluminum, or in this case a forged aluminum hat, which is the center section, it’s able to dissipate heat just like an aluminum bodied shock. Same principle. It’s a lot easier than a steel shock to kind of release Yep. Heat into the atmosphere and not keep it in the internal components.

10 (44m 22s):


Lightning (44m 23s):

So the factory had a two piston caliper and we’re going up to a

10 (44m 27s):

Six piston. Okay. So equal amount of clamping force though surface

Lightning (44m 31s):

Area on the piston is greater or the same?

10 (44m 34s):

Well the surface area is different than the square area. So the, the square area of the combined, and I don’t want to get too geeky ’cause I was geeky.

Holman (44m 42s):

Do it. We love it.

10 (44m 43s):

We only calculate half of a fixed mount caliber. You only calculate half of the square area of a fixed amount caliber. So the calipers we put on your truck are 6.52. So six and a half square inch. Your factory calipers were somewhere around like six and three quarters.

Holman (45m 1s):

So you’re basically trading two equal size larger pistons for three on each side. So six total, six on your cper of dissimilar size, but smaller pistons for the purpose of spreading the load and having the extra pistons means that the brake pad itself is gonna be more uniform in how it presses into the rotor.

10 (45m 24s):

Absolutely. So, we do a staggered bore on the, so the, the leading edge of the pistons are smaller than the tail end piston. So it goes smaller pistons, smaller piston, large piston. And the reason for that is as you’re stopping the car. You’ve heard of the, the term leading edge. Well leading edge of the brake pad wears faster ’cause that material has to swipe across the whole brake pad.

Lightning (45m 47s):

Oh you don’t even think about that. Interesting. Exactly. So will

Holman (45m 50s):

It does Mike actually thinks about that before he goes to bed every night

10 (45m 54s):

And when I wake up and it’s terrible. Like that’s all I think about sometimes. Jay

Lightning (45m 58s):

Tell me about the, the veins inside the rotors. They looked unique. I haven’t seen that before.

10 (46m 3s):

So this particular rotor is one of our new straight vein staggered. And what that means is it’s the same rotor left and right. What that means is it’s such a big chunk of steel that it has so much volume and mass and surface area. ’cause everybody doesn’t realize this, but inside the veins there’s more surface area. Right. So we’ve now have a rotor that has more surface area than our old directional vein rotor. So we’ve done a bunch of dyno testing and it’s way more effective in this big, big rotor than it is on like a road race car with a smaller rotor.

Holman (46m 41s):

And again, surface area is going to be able to shed heat faster. Right. Or or contain the heat. So mass is what’s gonna store the heat and then your surface area is what’s gonna vent the heat off.

10 (46m 52s):

Exactly. Exactly.

Lightning (46m 54s):

So Steve, this T X R kit rumor has it that that wasn originally developed by you for the Mexican military. Is that true or is that, do I need an N D A to no

9 (47m 7s):

More? Well you need N D A for some of that but no we, we did, I mean there was like larger armor vehicle market that we were working into and the previous kit that we had the,

Lightning (47m 17s):

Hey, we’re doing a podcast over here.

Holman (47m 19s):

Hold on, hold on, hold on. It’s okay. Listen to the exhaust for a second. All right?

Lightning (47m 22s):

All right. Keep it on. Yeah, it sounds good doesn’t it? Yeah.

Holman (47m 33s):

Oh he just, you owe five bucks.

Lightning (47m 36s):


9 (47m 37s):

Yeah. But the previous break kit we did, the way the Calper was designed, we originally did it for like a lot of like street trucks with really where Wheel clearance was really tight and what, once we realized on the heavier vehicles the way the piston layout on the caliper was you got a lot of, a lot of flex in the caliper, a lot of taper on the, you know, that caliper So we had to come up with a much bigger stouter set up. ’cause we do not just like with, you know, with Jay’s truck but heavier armor vehicle stuff where you’re going from a 6,000 pound truck to a 15,000 pound truck. And so Yeah, we had to step up our game quite a bit.

Holman (48m 12s):

So how does the pad material differ between what’s already a performance street pad on the T rx? So not, obviously not all vehicles have a performance pad from the factory. The T R X definitely takes a step greater in performance. What is the pad material you guys are using and how does that compare?

9 (48m 29s):

Yeah, we, and most obviously frictions that will come on the truck, they have to cover both like noise and dust. Where some guys right off the shelf, we’ll they won’t want any noise or dust, but we’ll look at like, we’ll know like on the factory brake pad, it’ll have a friction code on it where it’s an EE or FF friction code. And we’ll usually go one or two steps above that and still have a streetable, you know, streetable friction. ’cause like with the rotor diameter increase and then doing a friction increase, that’s where you get the, you know, the stopping power and torque rease on it.

Holman (49m 3s):

And so what’s the difference between a, a street pad and a race pad? Is it the friction material needs to be warmer on a race pad, so that’s not gonna be good for a cold start in the morning when you’re, you know, your, your vehicle’s cold and you have to break leaving the driveway or getting on the freeway. It

9 (49m 18s):

Depends on the race pad, but definitely that usually is the case where like if we were running a, you know, a road race where yeah it needs to sustain temperatures, you know, at whatever temp. But on a truck like this, if it’s cold it’d stop. Awesome. But you would murder your rotors, you know, within a couple hours. So you have to get on a race car, you have to have that temperature in that range for it to work great and and survive. Like if you put the pad that’s in Jay’s truck on a race car, it would stop good first couple times but then it would just fade away and you know, you’d lose your brakes.

Lightning (49m 51s):

There’s a lot of trade-offs. Inbreaking brakes are

Holman (49m 53s):

All compromised.

Lightning (49m 54s):

Breaking system. Yeah, right. I mean if you want, if you’re like, hey don, don’t want dust on my wheels,

Holman (49m 58s):

You’re balancing dust, heat, noise, durability. Yeah, I, I mean well

9 (50m 4s):

It absolutely, especially in, well within the last few years there’s been a couple, I think the state of Washington started, but there’s been like lawsuits which counter like any pad that we sell for the street market, it has to have a certain basic copper content. You know, the copper content has to be below a certain percentage to be able to sell it on the street. So, we have to dino test it, we have to register with the state and government and there’s codes on like, there’s a little leaf code on all the brake pads that we sell on the street. It’s for that reason, there’s a code and So we have to be careful on if we’re gonna celebrate it that goes on the street. It has to be a certain, we can’t put the Offroad path that works straight on a, you know, truck outta the king of the hammers.

9 (50m 47s):

We, we can’t sell it that way.

Lightning (50m 49s):

Why copper?

9 (50m 51s):

Actually, if you look it up, it started with state of Washington. They filed the lawsuit where a certain, they came up with this hair braiding idea that a certain amount of the copper was coming off the brake pads and getting into the streams Right. And killing fish, you know. And so the state of Washington started in California, the great state it is jumped on that bandwagon and you know, the same thing, So, we had to go through friction changes, pads that we used to buy, like physically we can’t buy ’em anymore just because of that.

Lightning (51m 21s):

And so when you guys are coming up with a, a brake pad for whatever the application, what does the test equipment look like? Is it a dyno, like how do you test a brake pad to find out if it does what you need it to do on that application? Yeah,

9 (51m 35s):

Actually we have a dyno right over here and it’s a, you know, let’s

Holman (51m 38s):

Walk over. Well this looks like a great idea. Let’s, let’s go check it out.

9 (51m 40s):

A lot of the companies use a similar brand, but we, we have a link dynamometer and, and that’s what we do. We have all, I mean there’s standard tests that you can buy, like standard road tests, you know, we have a computer and we’ll program it and run it and just obviously depends on the load. You have different weighted flywheel so you can simulate it up to, I think for us we can go up to about an 8,000 pound vehicle.

Holman (52m 3s):

So we’re looking at the machine here and it’s a, a yellow box that inside has a hub and looks like a flywheel. If

Lightning (52m 11s):

You’ve ever seen an engine dynamometer, it’s fairly similar, right? Yeah,

Holman (52m 14s):

No, I wouldn’t say so I would

Lightning (52m 16s):

The brake right on the front. I would say

Holman (52m 17s):

This looks like the back end of a engine DNO where the flywheel would be. Except you would, I I’m assuming put brakes on the end of that. Yeah, you can see.

Lightning (52m 26s):

Oh hold on. Wait Steve, wait, let me mic you.

9 (52m 28s):

Sorry. Yeah, so you can see here like where the caliper mount is, you know, so that, and the brake rotor will go in there and then they’ll have all sorts of, you can see how the thermal couples and everything goes with it. So, we’ll we drill all the brake pads, put all thermocouples in there, put ’em on the calipers to check all the temperatures and, and we’re able to tell very detailed like the like co finished friction wear temperature range and just the whole, you know, we test pads all the time and things that look great on paper and that’s why we do on vehicle testing ’cause it’s like the old, what you think may be great on paper sucks on a street. And that’s why we do a lot, a lot of research before we put anything on the street.

9 (53m 9s):

So this

Holman (53m 9s):

Is kind of like if you go, if you go back to Jay’s analogy of the engine dyno, it’s usually in a self-contained room with like blast doors and things like that. This has is a freestanding machine where everything’s internal. It still has the same type of venting where you’ve got fans that blow out all the air to the exterior and whatnot. But it’s definitely a little bit smaller than what you might see in a engine dyno. Looks

Lightning (53m 31s):

Like it has these doors that would close over the, the brake assembly. Right. So it would be protected from the, the guy who’s operating the dyno. Yeah, that’s what it’s

9 (53m 39s):

All for. Safety and like all the, obviously with all, especially all the dust and venting going out and especially again in California you have to set up a certain way, have all your exhaust ducted out a certain way and protecting the operator. So they’ll get it all set up and then they have the computer over here with a program and just with this one you can just set it and let it run. ’cause doing a proper friction test can be a few hours. So you get it up and let it run and then you can walk away from it.

Lightning (54m 5s):

How different are the military tests versus your internal tests? Like at Banks we, we will subject an engine to a NATO test which is 400 hours at full throttle. Right. Do you have specific tests for your hum hummers and things like that that you supply breaks to?

9 (54m 23s):

Same thing. Their various tests depends on the branch of the government and the vehicle. But again we’ll get scripts from them of, for the Humvee they have what they call a popular Jenners town test in Jenners town. I think Pennsylvania where they would do all the testing. Like you can buy that script test, we buy it and run it on our dyno and plus. But we do other vehicles if it’s a heavier armor vehicle, you know, same thing we can have, you know, do custom scripts for you know, for each application.

Lightning (54m 50s):

So this is the dyno where they test the rotors and I guess everything gets tested on that machine. Correct. Not just brake pads but the rotors. The calipers, yeah. Everything.

9 (54m 59s):

Yeah, everything. Yeah. You know, we’ll test calipers ’cause we can, again we have A couple we put on ’em and test, you know, the heat How, much heat generated, dissipate in the heat, you know, different pi of material, stuff like that. How

Lightning (55m 10s):

Often are you guys surprised by you make something and you think on paper it’s gonna do a certain thing and then you get it on the dino and go, well that’s not at all what we expected.

9 (55m 20s):

Oh, all the time. If we’re not trying then you know, we’re not pushing it. But we’ve done well

Lightning (55m 25s):

Like different, like metals for example. You think, oh we’re gonna use a certain steel here. Yeah. And it responds a different way.

9 (55m 30s):

Oh absolutely. You know, especially on rotors, you know, we think this rotor, ’cause we may wanna make it lightweight or something. Hey we think this will work well and lucky if we can make it, we can, you know, put it on there and you know, see how it does. And there’s times we’re surprised in a good way and then surprised in the bad way. We, you know, did a drilled slot design of hey let’s try this out and it may be for us easier to manufacture this way and we, you know, drill the holes a certain way and that thing makes racket like you would never believe. And it’s like nobody, no, none of the engineers thought about that. But literally on this machine you run it and it’s like holy crap, that ain’t gonna work yet.

Holman (56m 7s):

Like put a baseball card on your spokes of your bicycle. Absolutely.

9 (56m 9s):

That wasn, you know, we did, we did the drill holes a certain way and we thought, hey this, there’s no reason why this wouldn’t work. Yeah. and then if you didn’t have this and the, and the noise, you know, if we’d have done something like that, we thought it would work and put it straight into production, we’d had a mess on our hands. Well

Holman (56m 24s):

And this is probably good for testing coatings, right? ’cause you guys anodize and powder coat. So knowing the durability of that for, because there’s, let’s face it, there’s a lot of people with high-end cars that wanna put Wheel wood brakes on there. Yeah. But demand both the looks and the performance.

9 (56m 37s):

Absolutely. And that’s what you do. Especially when, and you’ll guys will see the powder coating is, you know, we subject all of our powder coat to, you know, hot break fluid testing, hot pot testing for days on end just to, it may look good the first 10 seconds but hours later you see how the powder coat’s gonna react. We’ve developed a, I mean a very specific powder coat that we have tested that we know that it works great against break fluid. ’cause we have people that want to send us powder. They, it’s like, nope, you know, we’re not gonna do that. And one we’re not gonna tell other people what we do. But we’ve learned the hard way and we’ve tried, you know, Mike and I were part of it early on. We did some caliber painting that we thought would be really good, but that wasn really expensive.

9 (57m 19s):

It’s like, oh that’s not gonna work. Especially with the way the street market is now. We have to be very careful is performance is important but looks as equally as important.

10 (57m 27s):

We can totally stand behind the 24 colors that we do and it’s because we’ve proven the process. So when someone says, oh I know I wanna match paint my car. And we’re like, well you’re gonna need to pick one of those three greens or a pink like you wanted. But then I said

Lightning (57m 44s):

No, no, I don’t recall that. I couldn’t do it.

Holman (57m 46s):

Yeah. You know it’s funny. I said no you can’t do it. I saw the emails x I know you were on ’em. Well we talked about it and I’m like, I think that really would be the right choice for him. And you’re like, I, I can’t do it. And look,

10 (57m 54s):

Only real men can wear pink. But you want it on your truck and I was gonna let you do that.

Lightning (57m 59s):

I’m standing right here and I can hear you and it’s all false. Okay. So, we are standing in the warehouse now, which is Raiders of the Lost Ark. It just goes for days and days and days. And I see a lot of it says forging on a lot of these boxes. You guys design all of your own forgings?

9 (58m 18s):

That’s correct. Yeah. All the, well any of the calipers, we do everything ourselves. We design, we do all the prototype tooling and like if we’re gonna bring out a new caliper, we’ll design it, we’ll make ’em out of billet in house, do our test fitting testing and all that. and then we’ll design a forging and have it made. And even though it’s expensive in the front end, it works out well you know, in the long run. Especially with the way a forgings made versus a billet part. It’s a much better part.

Holman (58m 48s):

All, right now we’re headed to the, the noisier part of the factory here. There’s a lot of, lot of liveliness down on this side of the building.

Lightning (58m 57s):

Lot of forklifts. Ooh, lot of billet.

Holman (59m 0s):

C N C machines. Oh my.

Lightning (59m 2s):

With all that aluminum. So that’s all like bar stock. What do you use the bar stock for?

10 (59m 7s):

Well, making brackets. There’s still some extrusions that we do for billet calipers over here. So, we extrude the bars into the shape of the caliper and then we cut chunks into billets to machine ’em.

9 (59m 21s):

So you can see like this is like 12 foot bars of aluminum. We have extruded to the shape of the outboard of the caliper and the inboard of the caliper So we saw cut it, you know, here and then it’ll, so this is ready to go the machine and get machined.

Holman (59m 37s):

And for those who don’t know, an extrusion is a process where you superheat the metal and shape it into a form and then you’re, you can machine it from there but you can get it into its basic shape and it’s stronger. Because my understanding is because the grains of the metal stay in the same direction. That’s correct. Rather than trying to cut something out of a shape that wasn’t meant to be that way. That’s

9 (59m 55s):

Correct. Yes. Is

Lightning (59m 56s):

It like making spaghetti,

10 (59m 57s):

Like pushing

Lightning (59m 58s):

It through the

9 (59m 60s):

Basically extruded Yeah. You heat it up and

Holman (1h 0m 3s):

Oh Play-doh. It’s

9 (1h 0m 3s):

Play-Doh. Play-Doh. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.

10 (1h 0m 5s):

I would say that probably one to 2% of our calipers to this day are an old school sand casting. ’cause it’s typical small calipers used for OE applications that don’t have a lot of pressure. Then there’s probably another five to 7% that are still made from a real billet. Those are lower quantity calipers with lower pressure. So lower volume stuff that hasn’t really gotten to the point for us to make a forging. Right. So that’s what you see right here. The balance of that is all net forged calibers. What does that

Lightning (1h 0m 42s):

Mean? Net forged?

10 (1h 0m 43s):


9 (1h 0m 43s):

Well net forged caliber. That means we, like you said, we will design a tool for it and we’ll have a forging made. So it’s basically, it’s the same thing. It’s got a piece of ability. You heat heat it up and it’s pressed into form, but then that’s it. We don’t go like on the extrusion, we have to machine it all back. Sure. It’s made to shape. We go in and machine piston bos and all that stuff. So it’s, and especially all stuff we can make it powder coat it looks fantastic and we do the volume where it’ll help keep our costs down.

10 (1h 1m 12s):

So your calipers on your truck are a net forging the whole outside exterior of that caliper. We didn’t machine any of it. It’s no kidding. It’s the net shape of the Cali. That’s how nice it comes out. We only machine all of the tolerance areas for like where the brake pad goes. The two body halves together, the pistons, the crossover area, everything else stays the way it is, which makes it a way stronger part.

Lightning (1h 1m 37s):

Now I understand what you mean about the net

10 (1h 1m 40s):


9 (1h 1m 40s):

Yeah. Net being, yeah, we don’t do any extra outside machining on it, which at the end of the day costs a lot of money. Very little

Holman (1h 1m 47s):


10 (1h 1m 48s):


9 (1h 1m 48s):

Yeah. Yeah. And eventually you’ll see our scrap bins and all that stuff and yeah, we do everything very try to be very efficient and in a production fashion, you know, ’cause if we’re gonna make fifties and hundreds of calipers Yeah. All that little bit helps to keep our costs under control.

Holman (1h 2m 4s):

By the way, one of my favorite sounds and smells is the inside of a machine shop. I, I mean there there’s rows and rows of C N C machines. How many c c machines do you guys have?

9 (1h 2m 15s):

Oh, I think in this building there’s probably at least 24.

Holman (1h 2m 18s):

Oh my gosh. that wasn just amazing

9 (1h 2m 20s):

What you see behind. And

Holman (1h 2m 20s):

They’re All, right? Ki be eat your heart out. Yeah,

9 (1h 2m 23s):

Well if you see behind you, yeah. These are all the machining fixtures for all the ca every part we make and we design and manufacture all that in-house. Wow. So. we can do it all in again. We, that’s one thing we do above our competitors. That helps you a good advantage.

Holman (1h 2m 41s):

You can control the tooling, you can make it yourself. Yeah, absolutely. You don’t have to wait for a supplier to send you four revisions back and forth. Right. And you could be making production right away. So there’s a, there’s some great names that are in the break space. Yeah. Wilwood obviously an American company. You guys also have done OE projects before. You have a great aftermarket, you’ve got military contracts. What is the, the main differentiator between Wilwood and some of the other options that are in the market?

9 (1h 3m 7s):

Well I think for us, I mean both Mike and I have been here almost forever. That being able to, you know, we’re all car people. The owners are car person, a single owner company. And again, we can design, manufacture, control everything ourselves. We don’t rely on anything we do. And you’ll see a little bit later from making the parts here, we anodize them down the street, how to code ’em, assemble testing, just everything ourselves. Amazing. And for how the vehicles, yeah, we’ll design and test on the vehicle ourselves before we ever put something on the street.

Holman (1h 3m 42s):

Before you got here Holman. Yep. I took a selfie with Bill Wood Wilwood. Yes. Nice. I mean he’s

9 (1h 3m 48s):

Here like, he’s

Holman (1h 3m 49s):

Not a figment of our imagination. This isn’t a VC owned conglomerate. It’s a like a one owner family owned business. And you’re not owned by the Hawley group?

9 (1h 3m 58s):

No, we are. We are owned by one man and he’s owned it all of his life and comes in every day and you know, just loves what he does.

Holman (1h 4m 5s):

And when you say that you and Mike have been here since almost forever, between you standing here is over 50 years of experience?

9 (1h 4m 14s):

Oh absolutely. I’ve been here 35 years and Mike’s been here 20, 21. 21 years. Jay was asking me earlier when I started, I started in 87. We had I think under 20 employees. And today we’re don don’t think we’ve broken 400, but we have almost 400 employees. Oh

Holman (1h 4m 30s):

My gosh. Well I, I’m still impressed that I’m looking at 24 C n C machines right here. Well

9 (1h 4m 35s):

People come by and wonder, you know, is, you know who is Wilwood? Yes. Do you, are you just inboarding crap and selling? Yeah. It’s like, and we’ll take ’em through. It’s like

Holman (1h 4m 44s):

No, it’s happening right now. Right

9 (1h 4m 47s):

Here. We keep people busy and we run our manufacturing wise, we run two shifts 10 hours a day, six days a week.

Holman (1h 4m 54s):

How long does it take to make a typical caliper?

9 (1h 4m 56s):

I would say, I mean start to finish, you know, ’cause you’ll see how we do it. Yeah. You know, we don’t just make one caliper. We set up

Holman (1h 5m 2s):

A lot. Course

9 (1h 5m 3s):

A lot of calipers. But a traditional production one itself can be, we can probably get it done within a week if we have to. Okay.

Holman (1h 5m 12s):

And that includes powder, coat and seals and all that stuff. Yeah.

9 (1h 5m 14s):

So, we run a really good M r P plan system. So, we have a good idea of what we’re gonna sell in the next four months. Sure. And So, we plan accordingly. And that’s one thing and another thing that sets it apart is we know what we’re going to sell within reason we’ll make it and stock it. So when this podcast comes out and we sell a million T R X kit, absolutely

Holman (1h 5m 34s):

Maybe 2 million,

9 (1h 5m 35s):

We can go from zero to a hundred, you know that clips we can adjust to a, a demand increase and we can just step on the gas and with standby

Holman (1h 5m 45s):

For that spike. Yeah.

Lightning (1h 5m 46s):

In pink, pink one

9 (1h 5m 47s):

Of course.

Lightning (1h 5m 49s):

Alright, let’s just walk. Can we walk down the, the aisle here? Yeah. Now what we’re looking at is all of the, the calipers. It looks like these are

Holman (1h 5m 57s):

The forgings before they get a

Lightning (1h 5m 59s):

Machine. Machine, right? Right. Yeah.

10 (1h 6m 1s):

So this one’s a really good example. This is our dynamite, which is our tested true product that we’ve sold for 47 years. Right. So it starts off as a net forging and then it gets fully machined on this one machine with the green lights on. So that means that right now the backside has got a pallet that’s machining four sides of say inboard or outboard bodies while the operator loads the inboard or outboard on another pallet. and then these are called tombstones that hold four sides.

Lightning (1h 6m 33s):

You said a tombstone?

10 (1h 6m 35s):

We call it tombstone. Yeah. So in an eight hour shift this operator can do 250 inboard and outboard bodies in eight hours. Wow.

Lightning (1h 6m 46s):

And I see him measuring every single one by hand as if the machine wasn’t accurate enough. He’s literally measuring everyone by hand.

Holman (1h 6m 54s):

I don’t know if, if Jay’s ever done anything 200 times in an hour or shift, come over

Lightning (1h 7m 2s):

To my, come over to my house sometime and I’ll show you. Yeah,

Holman (1h 7m 4s):

I don’t think so. That’s an invite. I’m not gonna take you up on

9 (1h 7m 8s):

He spot checks all the calipers. And you’ll see we have another inspection area that every first run part of a production has to go to inspection. They have to inspect it and approve it and if there’s something up and with as much up every once in a while something can go wonky.

Holman (1h 7m 23s):

Well tooling wears out and sometimes you’ll have to make something and up and it starts getting outta spec. It’s time to replace the tool. And that’s

9 (1h 7m 30s):

So. we can catch it. Yeah. Anytime before it gets anywhere near going out to a customer. Yeah.

Lightning (1h 7m 35s):

Alright, let’s move on.

Holman (1h 7m 38s):

Whoa. Polishing Huh?

Lightning (1h 7m 41s):


Holman (1h 7m 42s):

Ah, it’s so cool. That’s a giant Tumblr.

Lightning (1h 7m 45s):

What is the material in there? Any idea of those rocks?

9 (1h 7m 48s):


10 (1h 7m 49s):

Don don’t know what it is. It’s all kinds of different media for different caers and parts.

Lightning (1h 7m 54s):

That’s gonna be some natural stone. Yeah. Stone.

Holman (1h 7m 57s):

I mean that’s souvenir. Oh

Lightning (1h 8m 0s):

You get to keep it. That’s cool. It’s about the size of a big rat pellet.

Holman (1h 8m 4s):

Yeah. It looks like it buts but it’s stone and shiny. Oh No. Look at those. Oh

Lightning (1h 8m 9s):

This arrow dmm. It’s a little bigger than the last one.

Holman (1h 8m 12s):

Tell me about the aero dms. I’m not familiar with that particular offering.

10 (1h 8m 17s):

So the arrow six DMM is, is a new caliber for us. Mostly for like the Offroad 17 inch Wheel market. Huh?

Holman (1h 8m 27s):

Well you don’t say Yeah. Would it be good on let’s say a Jeep wrangler

10 (1h 8m 33s):

Or, or like a trail bus? Oh, No, you know

Holman (1h 8m 36s):

Chevy? Yeah, yeah. Aton. Something like that that yeah.

10 (1h 8m 38s):

So the big thing about this caliber is getting enough square area or clamping force inside of a smaller Wheel like a 17 Sure. For Offroad. Right. How big is that market?

Holman (1h 8m 50s):

Massive. Massive. Right? All of

10 (1h 8m 52s):

It. So for a long time we weren’t able to have a caliper set up so that we could properly have the clamping force on the right dia. I

Holman (1h 9m 1s):

Mean let’s be honest, right. When you look at the market, 37 on a 17 is about as standard as you can get. Right. And eighteens are just now going to the flotation sizes. Yep. And so you could do an 18 but you couldn’t get the right size tire and that requires a different solution.

10 (1h 9m 18s):

So what we ended up doing is when you’re going onto a smaller diameter rotor to fit in the 17 inch Wheel, you can’t have a bracket. Right. The bracket is gonna interfere with getting down radially tight enough onto the smaller, like most of our arrow DMM six kits, they’re all gonna be close to like 13 and a quarter to 13 and a half inch. So what we did is we forge a large knuckle. You see this big knuckle? Yeah. So that we can machine it into different applications. So like a Chevy

Holman (1h 9m 48s):

Platform. Oh okay. So these ears are what change between applications while the cali, while the caliber itself stays the same.

10 (1h 9m 54s):


Holman (1h 9m 55s):

So when you talk about, you know, fitting within a 17 inch inch Wheel, DMM stands for direct mount. Yep. So that’s arrow six. You make a non DMM model also, right? Yes. and then

10 (1h 10m 5s):

Radio mount,

Holman (1h 10m 6s):

The magic of this particular setup is it only is what, an inch or less off the top of the rotor. So it’s really sunken down on the rotor. It’s not, the caliper doesn’t sit two inches up above proud of the rotor it’s way down on it. Well it

10 (1h 10m 22s):

Can or else you’re gonna have have the Wheel.

Holman (1h 10m 25s):

Yeah. You or have a 12 inch rotor Wheel.

10 (1h 10m 26s):

Right. So with this we directly mounted to the spindler upright so that we’re not, there’s no brackets so that we can get everything in that 17 inch Wheel. It’s a huge deal.

Holman (1h 10m 38s):

Amazing. It looks

Lightning (1h 10m 39s):

Like this one only sits about a half an inch above the rotor. It’s really tight.

10 (1h 10m 44s):

The top of the brake pad will be right about there

Lightning (1h 10m 46s):

Between the rotor and the Wheel. You’ve got about a half an inch ish.

10 (1h 10m 50s):

Yeah. Five eighths of an inch. And

Holman (1h 10m 52s):

That’s the magic is you don’t have it sitting up tall. It’s Yeah. All tucked together and very, very tightly packaged for a lot of braking performance. Because you can get a larger rotor in there than factory. Right.

10 (1h 11m 3s):


Lightning (1h 11m 4s):

Hey, can you guys pipe down a little bit? We’re trying to have a podcast

Holman (1h 11m 7s):

In here.

10 (1h 11m 8s):

This is really turning out to be a really good product for us. Chevy half ton Ford, half ton JK J L J

Holman (1h 11m 17s):

T’S 3 92.

10 (1h 11m 19s):

We tried to do it in your truck but we just physically he cannot do an arrow DMM and make a a true upgrade for your truck. Especially over the factory 14 and threequarter inch rotor.

Lightning (1h 11m 30s):

What about the other Ram? Well he is like a standard

Holman (1h 11m 32s):

Ram. hold on a second real quick, real quick before you go there. Is that because the radius of the caliper demands a certain size rotor and because the size of his factory rotors on the T R X are bigger, that radius isn’t gonna match the radius of caliper or

10 (1h 11m 45s):

No. So the factory break has got so much torque.

Holman (1h 11m 49s):


10 (1h 11m 50s):

You know at 14 and three quarter it’s almost 15 inches. Yeah. That, that’s why it came with an 18 inch Wheel as well. Right. So if you come down to say 13 and a half with the same square area it we found it’ll be a decrease. Got

Holman (1h 12m 4s):


10 (1h 12m 4s):

And honestly you almost physically can’t do it and it just because the truck is so heavy, we have to have that thermal capability. Yep. So the smaller road or even up to 13 and a half, it’s not enough

Holman (1h 12m 17s):

But perfect for Jeep from what I hear.

Lightning (1h 12m 19s):

Maybe a 3 92. There are so much eye candy in here.

Holman (1h 12m 28s):

I know. I don’t even know where to look. It’s these are being polished machined. There’s master cylinders over here where master cylinders already been coated. Awesome. Oh look at this rotors. hold on. Stop. It looks, they’re drilling ’em Drilling and slotting.

Lightning (1h 12m 43s):

No way. Drilling and slotting is happening right here.

10 (1h 12m 46s):

So. we do the, the S R P drilling slotting on a lot of our rotors in-house. But the way that we do like this particular rotor, we’re doing so many of them that this machine’s set up to do eight rotors at one time.

Lightning (1h 13m 2s):

Tell me about drilling and slotting after the fact. What does it do to the strength of the rotor itself? Some guys say that it, it can create stress for cracks to form. Is

Holman (1h 13m 14s):

That not true? And back when I was starting out that wasn drilled or slotted, you guys are doing both. The idea being that as your brake pad is engaging and making heat, it’s also releasing gases and those gases are keeping the pad from contacting the rotor. And the idea was with slots it would clear some of that out. What’s true, what’s not? What’s the rumor, what’s real.

10 (1h 13m 35s):

So at the end of the day, I feel there’s a lot of misconception. So as you can see these rotors over here, they’re plane faced. Right? Let’s say that that rotor in that stage Yeah. Is a four row radiator. Okay. It’s got the most thermal capability of any radiator we can get for our 69 El Camino. Okay. Then when we start to drill and slot it, we’re taking mass away. Right.

Holman (1h 13m 60s):

That’s three row radiator

10 (1h 14m 2s):

And integrity. ’cause you’re drilling into it. So, we take that mass away now it’s only a three and a half or three row radiator. So it’s nausea efficient. So people ask, well why do people do it? It’s because of aesthetics.

Holman (1h 14m 15s):

Ah. The real answer. That’s

10 (1h 14m 16s):

Cool. So on a hot rod that’s not getting driven super hard. Maybe from one stoplight to another it’s absolutely the best thing for them. That’s great. But like for your truck, we have our GT slotted pattern only. So we’ve kept as much thermal capability in that break. Because, We need it.

Lightning (1h 14m 36s):

I love the honesty by the way.

Holman (1h 14m 37s):

Yeah, absolutely. That’s why

Lightning (1h 14m 38s):

For looks. And we’re okay with

Holman (1h 14m 39s):

That. That’s why I wanted to know because the, the misconceptions out there, everybody who’s bench racing about brakes is gonna come up with slotted versus drilled and nobody’s arguing for neither.

10 (1h 14m 49s):

And And you brought up gases. Yeah. Over the last 15, 20 years. We can’t sell or distribute any asbestos brake pads. Asbestos brake pads are organic. They let out gases. Got it. So when you see like a new Porsche and it’s got drilled rotors, well it’s because it came from St. Stu Guard and they still sell it with the asbestos brake pad or the organic brake pad. And as those brakes get hot, that brake pad does have gas that releases and the gas will get in between the face of the rotor. In the face of the brake pad. So by drilling it you escape that gas. So in some cases you almost have to do it.

Holman (1h 15m 32s):

So the next step, organic metallic, semi metallic in the middle. Now it’s ceramic. And ceramic is sort of considered the high end but not a great break for the street necessarily. But all these exotic guys want to have ceramics on there. So where does that fit in from your, from Wilwood standpoint?

10 (1h 15m 51s):

I think that we’ve gotta go back to when we were talking at the dyno. Yeah. And a lot of times stuff looks good on paper but then you use it and it doesn’t look as good. It’s almost like the pad we talked about for your, your car. It’s called our or for your truck. It’s called a Q compound. And it’s not our old Q compound, it’s our new and it’s for ceramic enhancement. It’s still a little bit dustier than our regular semi metallic pad. But it has some different characteristics that are really good for heavier vehicles. There’s still a great street pad that’s not gonna chew up your rotors like a race car pad would. So there’s, there’s different times and places for different brake pads.

Lightning (1h 16m 31s):

Now you guys do offer ceramic brakes though, correct?

10 (1h 16m 35s):

Ceramic rotors.

Lightning (1h 16m 36s):

Ceramic rotors.

10 (1h 16m 37s):

So they’re, they’re carbon ceramic. We do, but we don’t sell ’em. Especially in the public. You know as much as people think we do.

Lightning (1h 16m 48s):

Yeah. Because they’re race car application because they take so long to heat up. Like for example, we were talking to racers at Pikes Peak last year and we were looking at their brakes. What are they using? And very few of them are using ceramic. They’re not great for every application.

10 (1h 17m 1s):

No they’re not. And they’re very costly. So it depends on the type of racing you’re doing. If you’re a Formula one team, you can afford to do it. It because you’ve got an autoclave and you are making your rotors yourself. ’cause you do that for a living. Right. But when you are a typical consumer, especially someone that’s going up that hill, the big difference between a cast iron rotor and the use of a carbon ceramic or carbon in general is weight. You are really down for saving a bunch of weight. It’s worth it. Right. But you also have to make sure that you’re using it in the proper manner. I don’t wanna sound like I’m not a fan of it, but there are too many places where it’s much more cost effective to run a cast iron and have that better longevity and pedal feel.

10 (1h 17m 47s):

Especially throughout a race.

Lightning (1h 17m 50s):

There is so much scrap in here. I would like to be your scrapper.

10 (1h 17m 54s):

You want a scrap? No,

Lightning (1h 17m 55s):

Not really. Oh you

10 (1h 17m 56s):

Want a strap?

Holman (1h 17m 57s):

Yeah, let’s scrap. Huh. Long Beach. Let’s scrap out back by the dumpster. How

10 (1h 17m 59s):

Long beach boy.

Lightning (1h 18m 2s):

Whoa. Oh what are these pellets? These are, there’s

Holman (1h 18m 5s):

Like a mashup of machining by, what would you call those machining chips? Mac machine made into a machining pellet. And this machine presses them together in like hockey pucks. And you may have just heard one fall out into the bin.

Lightning (1h 18m 20s):

Are cool looking.

10 (1h 18m 21s):

Got the sausage.

Holman (1h 18m 22s):

Yeah, this looks like sausage.

10 (1h 18m 24s):

There’s a sausage. We’ve got a complete crew that does nothing but maintain the machines. That’s

Holman (1h 18m 29s):

All do lighting. You’re already already taking a T X six R home my friend. Oh there’s another one that’s satisfying to watch by the way. So

Lightning (1h 18m 38s):

Kinda weird. It just, it pushes these compacted pucks up this rail and then they just fall into the bin. And let’s just stand here for a moment. Just soak it in. Probably not too exciting on

Holman (1h 18m 53s):

On audio. On audio. No, it’s quite satisfying in person.

Lightning (1h 18m 58s):

Now this is some, oh what brackets a bracket Look at that beautiful C N C work. What are we looking at

10 (1h 19m 7s):

Here? One of the bra radio mount brackets that we do for some application. You can see all where all that bar stock goes. There’s really no easy way to make a bracket. There just isn’t. Yeah. And people trip out because they say, oh man, why can’t you guys make us some hats or why can’t you make us brackets? And I say it’s probably cost us less to make you a caliper than it does a bracket.

Holman (1h 19m 30s):

Really? Because of the bar stock. There’s so many

10 (1h 19m 32s):

Material. No, ’cause we’re a caliper manufacturer. The bracket is almost secondary. Yeah. In order to make a break kit and there’s no way to save material. Right. There’s too many different variations on a bracket now I will say. And

Holman (1h 19m 46s):

You’re cutting a curved piece from a piece of straight bar stock. Yeah,

10 (1h 19m 50s):

There are applications where we do like a forged steel bracket now and it’s because it’s kits that we do in high volume. So like some of our rear internal drum parking brake brackets, we do ’em outta steel ’cause we do so many of them. Right. Light machining on ’em and, and they’re done early Mustangs you would not believe. But from 64 and a half to 73 it’s all the same bracket. We’ve made one bracket that works on all of those stock disc end drum spindles. Wow. So we’ve made it out of a steel bracket, which is perfect for that market and we’re able to make large quantities of them. But when we’re talking about like larger break hits, like the bracket for your truck, it’s gotta be made out of this bar stock.

Lightning (1h 20m 35s):

The upside is it’s pretty, I just want to pick up a piece of bar stock and take it on with us.

Holman (1h 20m 41s):

Don’t think you could do that. Nothing. No don don’t. About Mike? I wouldn’t say anything. Nothing. I just tried to keep Jay honest.

Lightning (1h 20m 49s):

Oh I see hubs. What are these? Are these hubs? What? What are we looking

10 (1h 20m 52s):

At? So this is one of those net forgings. This one net forging makes about 130 to 140 hubs. Oh

Holman (1h 20m 60s):

My gosh.

10 (1h 21m 0s):

So you see how we’ve got this area

Holman (1h 21m 3s):

So cool to see the grains and the metal and all that.

10 (1h 21m 5s):

Yep. ’cause it’s been forged, this flange thickness, this nose thickness and this back half thickness we’re able to make different. Wow. Oh

Lightning (1h 21m 14s):

My god.

Holman (1h 21m 15s):

That is crazy difference. I feel

10 (1h 21m 17s):

The the weight difference. Oh yeah.

Holman (1h 21m 19s):

Okay. So the forging versus the machine part, that’s almost 50%. Yeah. That’s a lot of material you’ve machined off that.

10 (1h 21m 26s):

I mean the core. So we’re able to really utilize this one forging, which we go through a lot of Right Steve? I mean every month I would assume that we probably machine 2,500 hubs. Oh, easy.

9 (1h 21m 39s):


Holman (1h 21m 39s):

And you need two per car.

10 (1h 21m 41s):

Yeah. So I mean that’s the

9 (1h 21m 43s):

Beauty of, but we can do like one forging I think can make probably three dozen part numbers. That’s why it’s had that much material. And we do it all in SolidWorks. We design all the Hudson and we know we can come up with one forging that we need.

Holman (1h 21m 56s):

It’s almost like a jeweler cutting a raw diamond and trying to figure out the shapes that could come from that raw material.

10 (1h 22m 2s):

So it’s a two step operation to make these hubs. The first stop is one half of the hub turning it and then milling it, flip it over. The same thing that used to take, when I started here 21 years ago, it took us five six operations to make one hub. So it’d go from one machine to another machine to another. Now it all gets done on one machine. It goes in as a net forging, it comes out as a full billet ready to go on the shelf.

Holman (1h 22m 30s):

Wow. Yeah. That’s pretty cool.

Lightning (1h 22m 32s):

Yep. It’s cooler than what we do.

Holman (1h 22m 34s):

Yep. The only thing we make is a bunch of hot air

Lightning (1h 22m 38s):

And dooo. Yeah.

Holman (1h 22m 40s):

Well that’s your own version of extruding. It’s definitely not strong either.

Lightning (1h 22m 44s):

No, no. It curls well. Well

Holman (1h 22m 46s):

The pro, the problem is is you can’t make a caliper out of it.

Lightning (1h 22m 49s):

No, but I can make ss It’s,

Holman (1h 22m 50s):

It’s always in material.

Lightning (1h 22m 51s):

I can make s’s and F’s.

Holman (1h 22m 55s):

I dare you spell something and send it to me.

Lightning (1h 22m 59s):

All, right Holman. He’s telling me that there’s another building.

Holman (1h 23m 3s):

Okay, let’s go lead the way

Lightning (1h 23m 12s):

Home and contain yourself. Stop,

Holman (1h 23m 13s):

Stop. I, I’m soaking this in. hold on. We’ve, we’ve now arrived at the other Wilwood building that I didn’t know existed. Even I haven’t seen this guy coming here for like 20 years. I’ve never This is excited

Lightning (1h 23m 22s):

In a long time.

Holman (1h 23m 24s):

Hey, can you take Mike over there? Just keep ’em occupied. They have some anodized parts that shovel in my pockets. Oh wait, Steve’s behind me. Hey, could you go grab Steve and Mike and take ’em over there while I,

Lightning (1h 23m 36s):

That caliper’s not the only thing that’s been hardened is what I’m saying. I

9 (1h 23m 39s):

Thought you were gonna try to steal. ’cause all the, all the fasteners on there are all titanium.

Holman (1h 23m 44s):

Oh, that’s exactly what I was gonna do.

Lightning (1h 23m 46s):


9 (1h 23m 46s):

Were gonna start lining in your pockets.

Holman (1h 23m 47s):


Lightning (1h 23m 48s):

All of the fixtures are titanium.

Holman (1h 23m 50s):

That is awesome.

9 (1h 23m 51s):

They’re more expensive. But we figured out with the anodizing and the caustic tanks and stuff, they’ll last a lot longer. So

Holman (1h 23m 56s):

I have an affinity for titanium for, for a lot of different reasons. When is, I love aerospace, SSR 71, all that kind of stuff. I love how lightweight and just the properties of titanium. And actually my, I’m wearing my silicone ring now, but my wedding ring is titanium, although it’s cheaper than like a real wedding ring. So then you kind of feel cheap. So I have a platinum laid in the titanium. So I still have the metal, but I get my titanium out of it. Right. Yeah. So anytime I see like, especially titanium that’s been hot and it gets that really cool gold color. Oh man. Like import exhaust.

Lightning (1h 24m 29s):


Holman (1h 24m 30s):

I mean it’s amazing.

Lightning (1h 24m 32s):

Now where are we walking into? Oh, oh, so

Holman (1h 24m 34s):

He’s pulling back the bri the bookcase and it’s calipers.

Lightning (1h 24m 38s):

Yeah. Oh wow. These are the TX XR calipers.

Holman (1h 24m 41s):

That is a big maba jamba

9 (1h 24m 43s):

Part. You see this here? This is the four bolt mount, if you know the late model Diesel Chevys. Okay. For some reason some GM e engineer thought that wasn a great idea. They caliper mounts have two bolts per side. So now we’re doing, we will be having a direct mount TX six R kits.

Holman (1h 25m 1s):


9 (1h 25m 2s):

Because the late model, the, the new diesels on the Chevys, we had to do this ’cause we could not make a bracket radial mount and fit it in the 2020 and wheels So. we had to make another new forging to be able to do this. So, you know, coming later in the summer we’ll have a, a direct mount TX kit that will fit the, like a 22 Chevy Diesel and then down the road about Ford and Dodge and all that stuff.

Holman (1h 25m 29s):

By the way, that woe in the middle of what Steve was saying, had nothing to do with 22 Chevys. I got handed titanium bits by, from Mike Look at that.

9 (1h 25m 37s):


Lightning (1h 25m 38s):

You’ve got a, looks like a washer and a

Holman (1h 25m 40s):

Nut. A smooth spacer

Lightning (1h 25m 41s):

Feel how light that? Oh, hold on, let pick it up here. Oh wow. That’s, that’s like a, it’s like a leaf. it just, nothing

Holman (1h 25m 46s):

Waste. I’m not done fondling them yet.

Lightning (1h 25m 48s):

Why can one for you,

Holman (1h 25m 49s):

One for me, one for you. Okay. Here you go. You have your hardware back.

9 (1h 25m 53s):

Actually, if you really want it, you

Holman (1h 25m 54s):

Can have it. I do really want it. He really does.

9 (1h 25m 57s):

Don’t ask him. I, since I,

Holman (1h 25m 59s):

This is gonna go in my little jar of cool stuff that I’ve acquired over the years.

9 (1h 26m 4s):

Yeah, yeah. So this is coming into the, to the actual anodized room. You see these are all racks of calipers prepped ready to go in for anodized. So again, luckily enough we’re busy enough where like anodized will run two shifts so they, you know, so they’re all prepped and you can see all the, the brackets and the hangers and you know, hold them up. So by this time tomorrow morning, all this stuff will be anodized. So

Holman (1h 26m 28s):

What’s the process for prepping a raw piece of metal to go into anodize so that the coating will stick? and then what’s the actual anodizing process? Well,

9 (1h 26m 35s):

We’ll look, when we get over there, we’ll show the different stages of the different takes and how it goes through it. Okay.

Holman (1h 26m 43s):

Wow. Now we go the tanks.

Lightning (1h 26m 44s):

Now we’re in a very, very different room.

Holman (1h 26m 47s):

Oh look, they’re, they even say what they do.

Lightning (1h 26m 51s):


Holman (1h 26m 51s):

Right? So, we start with a jig. And from that jig there’s tank number one and this is the alkaline cleaner. And we can see the process here where there’s something soaking. How long will these parts soak and tank number one? The

Lightning (1h 27m 3s):

Better question is when Holman kills me and needs to dissolve my skin and muscle, it’ll be down here. Oh it does? In one of those. Okay. It’ll be down here. He can come here and do this. We don’t clean

9 (1h 27m 12s):

You before we

Holman (1h 27m 13s):

Yeah. Why waste the fluid, right? Yeah. Just let me know before you guys have to replace the fluid in the tank and I’ll make sure we schedule that right.

Lightning (1h 27m 19s):

So these tanks are about three, four feet tall and oh, they’re bigger than a coffin. Let’s put it

Holman (1h 27m 25s):

That way. You could fit in this way

10 (1h 27m 27s):

A coffin. Okay. So

Holman (1h 27m 28s):

The double stack coffin.

10 (1h 27m 29s):

So each tank does something different and you can see what each one does. Like the next one is the water rinse. I can’t tell you how long these parts stay in here because this caliper body set might be different than those billet reservoirs or different than the net forge calipers or the TX calipers. But basically we’ve streamlined this process and we’ve brought in someone who knows this world really well about five, six years ago. He designed all of this.

Holman (1h 27m 59s):

This is unbelievable that you might be one of the only aftermarket companies that I know that has your own anodizing line in your facility.

10 (1h 28m 7s):

And there’s a a few reasons why Bill Wood did that. One of the main reasons that I’ve seen over the last 21 years is when we were sending parts out, the quality was getting worse, the price was going up and the lead time was tripling. So

Holman (1h 28m 23s):

All the bad directions,

10 (1h 28m 24s):

Just everything bad and, and we’re thankful that we’ve got an owner of our, of our business that said, You know what, we can do this better and we can control it in-house and make a better part. Well,

Holman (1h 28m 35s):

And I’ve seen your finished products and it is better’s.

10 (1h 28m 37s):

It’s way better than that. wasn five years agos.

Holman (1h 28m 39s):


Lightning (1h 28m 40s):

So, but it’s, it’s consistent.

10 (1h 28m 42s):

You said exactly the right thing is the consistency is what we were lacking is we weren’t getting back proper parts and we’d have to scrap a lot of stuff half the time. So bringing this in-house, it’s also helped grow a lot more jobs. We brought in a lot more people and those are all really good things.

Holman (1h 29m 3s):

And correct me if I’m wrong, every caliper gets anodized before it gets powder coated.

10 (1h 29m 8s):

Yeah. So our race calipers, when you buy a full-blown race caliper, it’s hard anodized finish and it has a racing logo on it. It says Wilwood racing. What’s crazy is your caliper’s on your t on your T R X went through the same process. So they have the foundation of the racing Lightning

Holman (1h 29m 26s):

Turn around gallopers, he’s lifting them out of tank one and I’m assuming gonna drop this entire jig into tank two. What is that 30 calipers or something like that? s like

Lightning (1h 29m 35s):

Yeah, yeah. 30 calipers.

Holman (1h 29m 37s):

Oh, it just gets a dip.

10 (1h 29m 39s):

So Yeah your, your street calipers have gone through the same riggers as all of our race stuff. it just that we’ve added the black powder coat to ’em.

Lightning (1h 29m 48s):

Now is this Perrier or is that Fuji water?

Holman (1h 29m 52s):

No. Sparkling or still. I’ll give you some,

10 (1h 29m 54s):

You want me to put a little in a cup for you? No,

Lightning (1h 29m 56s):

I don’t think I should drink that. Yeah. Right after the alkaline cleaner tank pH

Holman (1h 29m 60s):

Is a six through a nine hazard for ingestion. So maybe that’s not great for you.

10 (1h 30m 5s):

No I think it, I I think it’d be bad for us, but it’d be okay for Jay All

Holman (1h 30m 10s):


10 (1h 30m 11s):

Now this one has got parts in it.

Holman (1h 30m 13s):

Oh, it’s bubbly. It looks like a jacuzzi. Well

Lightning (1h 30m 15s):

Don’t skip the acid edge.

10 (1h 30m 18s):

This tank five, the sulfuric acid, that’s the one that’s putting, it’s charged and it’s adding the anodizing to the surface and inside of the core of the part. So

Holman (1h 30m 31s):

What is anodizing?

10 (1h 30m 33s):

It’s really a protective coating and it, the way that we do it, which is type three, it’s super, super hard. So it builds a really good, strong barrier for say piston wear.

Lightning (1h 30m 46s):

So it’s an electrochemical process. Correct. Hey Jay, this

Holman (1h 30m 50s):

One looks just like a jacuzzi. You should hop in and,

Lightning (1h 30m 53s):

Nope, that’s the one that says sulfuric acid. I’m not going in that one. Oh yeah,

Holman (1h 30m 57s):

Sorry. My bad.

10 (1h 30m 59s):

After it’s sanitized, it goes through a couple more baths where it cleans apart and then you can hear ’em in the background. They’re, they’re getting all of the water from the last bath off of them before they go get dried.

Lightning (1h 31m 13s):

Alright. He’s picking it up out of the acid etch.

Holman (1h 31m 16s):

So then you can put more than one jig in a tub at a time.

Lightning (1h 31m 20s):

So, we went from the acid etch and he dipped it just for a moment into the rinse. It’s interesting that some of them are aerated, they’re bubbling like a cauldron and then others are still, I’m not asking you for reason, I’m just find it interesting. So he’s got a crane. What would you, what would you call that gantry. Right? He’s got a gantry with a couple of electric motors that pick up these things and he doesn’t have Oh,

Holman (1h 31m 47s):

Look at that.

Lightning (1h 31m 48s):

Oh, there’s a hard ano. Yeah, that awesome. Let’s go see. Come on. Go over there.

Holman (1h 31m 53s):

So those are, they went from tank seven, which is the water rinsing to tank eight, which is another water rinse. But, but that hard ano is awesome. These are like a, a smoky gray color and this is pretty amazing. I could see, you know, you guys have a lot of scrubbers and piping and all this stuff that goes along with manufacturing. How cool is it to have an owner that is willing to invest in this type of, not only manufacturing, but also coatings right here in California, and then give the customer a way better product than what you were getting from suppliers. That to me that’s, that is such a next level step up in manufacturing to have that control as your own business. Is it just wild To me,

10 (1h 32m 32s):

The thing that I really like about it is the education explaining to somebody why we do what we do to our parts, which turns into basically a sale. Like, oh, you guys do that. Oh and you do it in house.

Holman (1h 32m 47s):

Oh and you do it in the us Oh, and you do it in California. Oh and you do it yourselves. All those things are important.

10 (1h 32m 53s):

So it becomes a lot of pride where what, when we’re on the phone talking to a customer at an event, we’re at SEMA and p r i and people walk in and I’ve had my hands on all this stuff. It’s not like it came out of a box and I put it in our box and we sold it. It’s like we made this so Yeah,

Holman (1h 33m 10s):

I, we saw the bar stock that it started as Yeah. So, and it’s widgets on the other side.

10 (1h 33m 14s):

It’s crazy. So

Holman (1h 33m 15s):

Incredibly coated widgets,

10 (1h 33m 16s):

Super cool things about working at Wilwood.

Lightning (1h 33m 20s):

So now they’ve been anodized and we’re walking into the e-coat area, which is another set of

Holman (1h 33m 25s):

Oh, he is doing it right now. These,

Lightning (1h 33m 27s):

These vats.

10 (1h 33m 28s):

Yeah. So we’ve got a e-coat line, which is that black coating you see on a lot of our parts. We’ve got one line that’s just for steel components. So right now he’s doing rotors. The other line is for doing brackets and anything aluminum. So once these go through this stage, an eco, so if people don’t know when you buy a fender from Ford for your pickup truck and it comes with that black primer, that’s e-coat. Yep. Okay. We are doing that to our components. A lot of in,

Holman (1h 33m 57s):

It’s not paint, so it’s again an electrostatic process. Yep. It’s different than powder coat though. And it protects against corrosion. The nice thing about e-coat is you can get the coating in all the nooks and crannies that you might not be able to get powder or other processes in there.

10 (1h 34m 12s):

Well even with, with zinc plate, a lot of times you have to agitate the parts so badly to get all the zinc onto it. With this you don’t. So you can see what he’s doing right now. Jay, he just dropped it into the tank and the light just turned on. So it’s electronically charging the paint, which is water-based onto the part.

Holman (1h 34m 31s):

And you can paint or powder coat over e-coat

10 (1h 34m 34s):


Holman (1h 34m 34s):

Day long. So you’re basically have a, a anodizing e-coat and powder coat or any mixture of those that you can do depending on what the parts use case is.

10 (1h 34m 43s):

Yep, exactly. And unlike

Lightning (1h 34m 45s):

Powder coating in this case, it’s getting everywhere. All of it everywhere.

10 (1h 34m 50s):

So another thing you see, these haven’t been put into the, into the heater yet or into the oven. So they have kinda like a kind of a grayish

Holman (1h 35m 1s):

Textured a little bit,

10 (1h 35m 2s):

But when they come out, they look like those rotors over there.

Lightning (1h 35m 5s):

Oh, beautiful Rackets. Kind of a very beautiful, even satin sheen.

10 (1h 35m 9s):

Absolutely. It, it almost like breathe out. You

Holman (1h 35m 11s):

Can see the splotchiness on these ones that are fresh out of the tank. Oh,

Lightning (1h 35m 14s):

He’s about to pick up a set outta the tank. Oh, I’m gonna come over here. These were just regular steel color. Just a moment ago.

Holman (1h 35m 22s):

All. right. I’m gonna wait for him to pull it out here.

Lightning (1h 35m 26s):

We’re waiting for the yellow light to turn off. Just like that. Look at that. They’re black. Wow. That is crazy. I’m

10 (1h 35m 34s):

Not, I’m not gonna lie. It looks a little booty at first. Right? It looks a little booty. But they

Holman (1h 35m 38s):

Dipped it again.

10 (1h 35m 39s):

I mean it, it is still not looking good. Right. And even after it gets all the way to this gray wash over here, it’s still not looking great, but holy cow. Yeah. Once it goes into the oven and it comes out, it looks so fire.

Holman (1h 35m 53s):

Awesome. Let’s

Lightning (1h 35m 54s):

Go take a look at these brackets or spindles or whatever they are over here.

Holman (1h 35m 59s):

Looks like.

Lightning (1h 36m 1s):

Oh, I see Hubs.

Holman (1h 36m 2s):

Yeah. Hubs. Yep. Brackets, rotors.

10 (1h 36m 5s):

Look at How. much better. That is,

Lightning (1h 36m 7s):

Say it again.

10 (1h 36m 8s):

Look at How. much better. Those rotors look, that’s from the same batch, but these are just out of the oven. And you can see that it just like flattens everything out. It’s almost like painting a car in the winter and then you have to turn the heater on for it to kinda like flatten out, right? Whereas when you’re painting a car in the summertime, I mean, as it lays it’s Flad, right? It’s kind of the same principle. It almost flattens everything out and makes it uniform.

Lightning (1h 36m 36s):

And then it looks like we’re headed to the very last stage in the process, which would be

Holman (1h 36m 40s):

Logo adding,

Lightning (1h 36m 42s):

Applying the Wilwood logo.

Holman (1h 36m 43s):

So I always thought the Wilwood logo was either powder coated or painted on there, but it’s not,

10 (1h 36m 49s):

Not all of ’em. So half of the calipers are screen printed. Okay. And about half of the calipers are gonna be laser etched. It depends on the caliper and where it’s sold to. Got it. So for, oh

Holman (1h 36m 59s):

Watch, you just missed it. It literally just lasered the logo right on that part. Oh, that was awesome. We’ve

10 (1h 37m 5s):

Got lasers that will go through powder coat and through the hard ano into the aluminum.

Holman (1h 37m 11s):

So Yeah, watch, watch, watch, watch. He’s doing it. Oh, it’s so cool. Oh,

Lightning (1h 37m 15s):

It’s like a magnifying glass burning ants. That is so cool. It’s burning in the Woodward logo. It’s gonna make two passes. W all the way to the D and then back again. That is cool. All, right? Holman just handed the mic over so he could go record the laser engraving on video. So we’ll post this.

10 (1h 37m 35s):

So now that we’ve got, say, a finished caliper that’s been hard, anodized powder coated, laser engraved or screen printed for the logo, they typically will either go straight to assembly or they’ll go back on the shelf. Then we pick ’em to build the job to assemble them. So what we’ll do is we’ll bring you guys to the second building in the second building. So it’s building three is what we call it. We’ll take you over to building three right now, which is attached by these cool little corridors.

Holman (1h 38m 6s):

Oh yeah. Little bad boys right there.

10 (1h 38m 11s):

Come around to the other side. You can see how. So this caliper, what they’re doing is they’re assembling the calipers, but every single component is checked before it leaves. So if it can hold air, which is how we check them, it’s put into a machine that we designed to hold a certain amount of P s I of air for a certain amount of time. That’s

Lightning (1h 38m 30s):

A whole lot of bright red calipers.

Holman (1h 38m 31s):

That is pretty awesome.

10 (1h 38m 36s):


Holman (1h 38m 36s):

You can see the page, you hear it,

10 (1h 38m 39s):

He’s watching the screen and it’s gonna give him a passer, a fail on the caliper in a minute. We do this with all the master cylinders, all the calipers, and then even our electric parking brake calipers. We put them into a device that checks polarity clamping force, how fast the clamping is actuated and how fast it retracts. So there’s a lot of tests before we ship parts.

Holman (1h 39m 8s):

So that ensures that every customer gets a quality product. Pass. SAR passes.

Lightning (1h 39m 14s):

I’ll take that one please.

10 (1h 39m 16s):


Holman (1h 39m 17s):

You already have some

Lightning (1h 39m 18s):


Holman (1h 39m 19s):

You don’t get more. That looks like Jeep 3 92 red right there.

Lightning (1h 39m 24s):

I’m gonna say there are

Holman (1h 39m 26s):


Lightning (1h 39m 27s):

500 calipers.

10 (1h 39m 29s):

Remember the caliper? I said we make 250 in one eight hour shift with one guy on one machine. Here they are. That’s the caliper. It

Holman (1h 39m 36s):

Looks like dominoes. I feel like if I touched one, they’d all just fall off the bench.

10 (1h 39m 40s):

Remember earlier today we were having lunch and you asked me Jay, what’s our biggest selling break hit or part number? And I told you what that wasn right?

Holman (1h 39m 48s):

He doesn’t remember though. For

Lightning (1h 39m 49s):

The four nine inch. Yeah,

10 (1h 39m 50s):

It’s for a new style Ford two and a half inch offset pickup truck rear end or a nine inch. So it goes in a lot of truck stuff too. But this is the part number that goes in red on every one of those kits. And it’s our biggest selling kit. So you can see how many of those kits we’re selling.

Lightning (1h 40m 7s):

Right? And he’s putting all of the O-rings in by hand. There’s there’s a lot of hand assembly here. Oh, and a lot of qc.

10 (1h 40m 14s):

Oh absolutely. And like I said, everything’s gonna get checked on the machine once they’re assembled.

Lightning (1h 40m 20s):

What an operation. Wait, there’s more building this way. What?

Holman (1h 40m 24s):

There’s like nooks and crannies of Wilwood production everywhere I go.

10 (1h 40m 28s):

So this is all basically like nut and bolt assembly after a lot of product is done like rotors. These guys, they package ’em up. This is just finished goods in the third warehouse. Where’s

Holman (1h 40m 41s):

The arc? Is it? Is it? Is it aisle three? Aisle four.

10 (1h 40m 45s):

So they’re considering this, the third warehouse

Holman (1h 40m 48s):

All. right? I wanna show you something. A friend of mine owns a off-road shop and he just texted me and said, Hey, do you got a minute? I said, I’m actually at Wilwood right now. And he goes, oh, I heard they might have a T R X caliper. Do you know anything about it? So I sent them him a picture. No you didn’t. There a picture of Jay’s truck. And what does he say? Then he sends me a picture of his customer’s truck. He says 20 inch Wheel. So there should be plenty of caliper clearance. So. we just sold our first T RX kit for you right now. We’re not even outta here. The, we’re not even outta the building. And I’ve already got you guys sold on a, on a customer for my buddy who owns a shop who said we were, we were looking for a brake kit for this truck. I told you it’s kismet.

10 (1h 41m 25s):

You’re not gonna ask us for a job, are ej? No.

Lightning (1h 41m 28s):


Holman (1h 41m 29s):

He already has one owner too. True. You know what’s funny is we walked by and Lightning immediately looks into the lunch room as we go by because I’m starving.

Lightning (1h 41m 41s):

I thought they might have a beer dispenser.

Holman (1h 41m 43s):

Here’s the thing about, about vending machines.

10 (1h 41m 45s):

So. we made a loop through the third building. Now we’re going back into the second building. Now

5 (1h 41m 51s):

This is, this

10 (1h 41m 52s):

Is similar to a lot of people. See there’s a lot

Holman (1h 41m 54s):

That goes into running a business like this.

10 (1h 41m 57s):

Yeah. and then we’ve got a whole room where we’ve got a team of people that are just taping off calipers. They’re not working right now, but they’re just taping off calipers to be powdercoated. That’s all they do in this room.

9 (1h 42m 9s):

And you’ll see these are new like powdercoat booths and ovens, So. we can get to the point where they can mask here, powder here, oven here. And you know, to keep expanding

10 (1h 42m 20s):

When we place an order at the other building and our sales staff or our outside reps, we have about nine of them. It digitally gets sent to Wilwood. We inspect the order, then it gets shipped over to our picking team. Now our picking team is in the, the inventory. And they’re taking that order and going to the location. Yep. B, B, C 20 C. and then they’re picking, this is just calipers by the way, just calipers. And these, these are the slower moving calipers. These are all brackets. These are calipers where it’s like a customer might order four a month. The calipers that they’re picking like a hundred in one order.

10 (1h 42m 60s):

Like this order over here. The fast

Holman (1h 43m 2s):


10 (1h 43m 2s):

That’s over here. ’cause that’s closer to the picking area. How

Holman (1h 43m 5s):

Many applications does Wilwood cover? Skews?

10 (1h 43m 8s):

Oh it’s, it’s gotta be 3000.

Holman (1h 43m 11s):


Lightning (1h 43m 12s):

Here’s the million dollar question. You make a lot of stuff in here, but do you make beer?

10 (1h 43m 18s):

No, but I know a place that does that’s really close. And I think we should leave because

Holman (1h 43m 22s):

As much like those parts over there, I’m finished

Lightning (1h 43m 25s):

And out All, right? Holman, are you okay if we tackle some frontier spotting email?

Holman (1h 43m 31s):

Let’s do it quick.

5 (1h 43m 33s):

You email? Yeah, I email Do it. We email. That’s right. Everybody email. Type it up. You email proofread. I email send it. We email, click it. Every email

Holman (1h 43m 50s):

All right?

Lightning (1h 43m 51s):

You have the email. I don’t So I’m, I’m gonna run through. I’m just gonna run through. You’re gonna, you’re gonna do a, what do you call it when you go really fast? The Lightning round. Holman’s gonna do a Lightning round without

Holman (1h 44m 3s):

Lightning. Yeah. Weird. It’s, yeah. How about this one from Jeremy McDaniel that says Nissan BS Bees. If you can figure out what that is, lighting better still be doing this. Ha ha ha. And he sends a picture of a brand new white frontier pro four x. Got this one from Troy Pulasky says Hi, this is Troy Pulasky and then here’s his address in Arizona. The top pictures of Frontier just down the street from where I live. I took the picture from my frontier. The second is my frontier. The wife lend her car to a friend for the day. So I was driving my 2018 J K U. That is usually a recreational only vehicle. We work close to each other but get done at very different times. So, we usually follow each other into work. My frontier is the one I rode in about when I first got it about a year and a half ago.

Holman (1h 44m 45s):

I 25,000 miles on it. I still love it. I get about 22 miles per gallon. I love the power and torque of the motor. It rides nice and tight like a truck should, but without harshness. I’m very thankful for your reviews and endorsement when I made the decision to buy it. I love all that you guys do and it makes me drive to and from work. Fly by. Thank you. And Nissan is cool.

Lightning (1h 45m 5s):


Holman (1h 45m 5s):

Dat. Thank you. Troy got this one from Justin Cox from Chico, California. Says Hello Lighting and Holden. Awesome to hear my last name read on the podcast. Sorry for all the typos. Here is a picture of a new frontier while driving in my 2019 frontier work truck on the way to work that wasn a grandpa truck with the extra bed Tiedown hooks. Even with the bed rails. I’d love sticker.

Lightning (1h 45m 25s):

You can have one. I’ll send you one. I I have more.

Holman (1h 45m 28s):

How about from our friend Mike Boyle? Well I see one every day traveling home from work trying to get a picture of his proven impossible. Seeing as we both are traveling 60 miles an hour in opposite directions. That’s consistent. When you see the say, I remember when I used to work in Los Angeles, I would see the same people every day on the freeway that wasn like my group. Yeah. Like you start recognizing cars and stuff. It’s

Lightning (1h 45m 46s):

Weird. I’ve got, I’ve got a white frontier that I passed almost every day. Yeah.

Holman (1h 45m 49s):

And you’re like, I know you. You wouldn’t have noticed it if it weren’t for Frontier spotting.

Lightning (1h 45m 53s):

Actually that’s not true. He passes me. He’s in the carpool lane. No, there

Holman (1h 45m 56s):

You go. I had to make a delivery for work yesterday and decided to cheat while I was at the local dealer. Here’s my submission for Frontier Spotting. Taken from one of the stores. Tacomas, keep up the good work. Five stars. Yeah buddy. Five star

17 (1h 46m 7s):

Review, five stars.

Holman (1h 46m 10s):

That’s where Buddy Mike from Montrose. Colorado.

Lightning (1h 46m 13s):

Yeah, buddy.

Holman (1h 46m 15s):

Got this one from David Green says, not quite from my vehicle. I went to a local home show here in Rapid City, South Dakota wife parked next to this beauty. And it’s that kind of grayish blue color. Like I think that that’s Boulder Gray. Yeah. And that’s, he says hopefully I can still get a T S P sticker out of it, if so. Great. And that’s David Green from Rapid City, South Dakota. We’ll

Lightning (1h 46m 37s):

Bend the rules for our, our SSD fans.

Holman (1h 46m 40s):

Yeah, we need more stickers up there. How about this one from Michael St. Jean says, Hey, lighting and Holman. First off, just wanted to tell you that I’m a huge fan of the show. I never miss an episode. Definitely. Thank you. Five stars, five

17 (1h 46m 51s):

Star review, five stars.

Holman (1h 46m 55s):

I’m a longtime Ford truck owner, but switched to a Ram 2,500 last September and I’m loving it. I really enjoy hearing about the upgrades that you do to the T R X and the Jeep 3 92. The attached photo is of a new frontier that was taken in Aurora Colorado not far from my home. I’ve seen quite a few of them around, but this is the first time I was in a good spot to take a photo. Appreciate it. If you’d send me a couple of truck show podcast stickers and keep mattering those parameters. Mounter

18 (1h 47m 19s):


Holman (1h 47m 21s):

And that’s Mike St. Jean from Bennett Colorado. Man, we’re getting all over the place.

Lightning (1h 47m 25s):

Where, where is, where’s Bennett? Outside of Denver.

Holman (1h 47m 27s):

Boulder. Boulder, I think. Yeah, that’s what you said.

Lightning (1h 47m 30s):

I guess everything’s outside of Denver. Yeah.

Holman (1h 47m 31s):

I mean if it were inside Denver, it’d be Denver. This your first rodeo All. right? Chuck Davis says, thanks for the stickers. Added at least three horsepower to my Suzuki. It’s noticeable on Samurai Says My Samurai is a 1987 with a 1.3 liter Weber carb mini spool in the rear five 13 gear spring over in 30 threes. Custom front winch bumper that doubles a snowplow mount. I’m too frugal to buy a side by side and it isn’t a Jeep so I call it the Jeep.

Lightning (1h 47m 57s):

That’s awesome. You’re you’re joking about the sticker being aerodynamic. Yeah. Have you seen the new Aston Martin Valkyrie? Yes. So it’s the supercar, right? Yes. Every Aston Martin badge on the nose of the car has always been, according to this video I saw metal and they said, well we can’t put a metal badge on this because it will disrupt the laminar airflow of the nose of the car. You know what they did. They made the world’s thinnest metal badge. It’s like a few microns thick. You can’t hold it unless it’s frozen, otherwise it will curl up. Hmm. And so they put it under the clear coat and it’s metal. Cool. So they all felt good. They’re like, yep. Well

Holman (1h 48m 35s):

That’s still still metal anyway. Yeah. Trex says keep those pair meters mounted. Master

19 (1h 48m 41s):

Monitor, key engine parameters.

Holman (1h 48m 45s):

All right. Got another one here from TJ Spur from Massachusetts. Love TJ Massachusetts. Check it in. He says, I’ve been listening for years now and you’re my favorite podcast. I’m a diehard jam guy. I’ve at 16 2500 HD L T Z and oh five Yukon XL Denali. I enclosed APIC of a Nissan that I came up on in Pembroke, Massachusetts. Love the show. Thanks TJ Spurr. And he’s from Hanson, Massachusetts. So that’s kind of cool to, to know that we got some people on the east coast. Appreciate that. Tj,

Lightning (1h 49m 12s):

It’s funny don don’t know tj, but thank you.

Holman (1h 49m 14s):

You were just saying that just because, just

Lightning (1h 49m 16s):

Yeah, he’s my boy. All. right?

Holman (1h 49m 17s):

Get tight. Got one more here from Sean. Gerard says, Hey guys, I’m here in mid-Michigan and finally spotted a new frontier. Took this picture in my launch edition jt. I also spotted this sweet ridge line while in Puerto Rico on vacation this past week when they looked like this, I had considered a truck. Otherwise it’s a waste of space. And that wasn a, a lifted ridge line on like this place blow 30 twos or 30 threes with a winch or with a push bar, bull bar bumper and a light bar on it. Which is, that’s kinda cool. Wow. I’m planning that trip out west next spring for a three week overlanding. Adventure for the first time ever. And Sean, I would love to hear more about your gear and the 3 9 2 and some other tips and tricks for overland.

Holman (1h 49m 57s):

Ooh, that’s a good one. Like what kind of stuff should you be bringing? I like that

Lightning (1h 50m 2s):

To be bringing

Holman (1h 50m 3s):

When you’re over landing to be self-sufficient. What do I carry in my gear Load out? Yeah. Do you wanna disappear into the desert for or the woods or whatever for a week? What do you have?

Lightning (1h 50m 12s):

Holy crap. You just reminded me. Our buddy chopper over at Decked gave me the world’s greatest tool bag. Holy crap. Well

Holman (1h 50m 22s):

We talked about it on the air, but you actually went out and used

Lightning (1h 50m 24s):

It. No, no. I’m saying I, we need to detail it. We need to unfurl it right here on the countertop and we need to talk through it because it’s freaking epic that wasn made for them by box. so Yeah, which I’m not really, I mean we’ve all seen box O ads on our Facebook feeds ’cause they’re really good at advertising. But I’ve never owned any. No, they make

Holman (1h 50m 42s):

Good, good m telling you it’s a South Korean company and they make it for a bunch of racers and stuff

Lightning (1h 50m 47s):

Like that. Well I’m telling you, they did their homework on this tool bag. Holy crap. Did I tell

Holman (1h 50m 51s):

You I replicated that and then added standard tools to

Lightning (1h 50m 55s):

It. Oh that’s smart. But I’m telling you for a buy it, get it, open it, use it pretty, pretty nice. It is freaking awesome And deck. So thank you very much by the way to Chopper for, for making that happen. But we do have to unfurl it and talk through it because that’ll give us a good basis for the tools you should bring in my opinion All.

Holman (1h 51m 13s):

Right. Anyway, just wanna say thank you to Sean Gerard from Freeland, Michigan. So anyway, we’ve got a gazillion more. We’re just gonna slowly work through these. If we haven’t mentioned you yet, you may get the sticker before you get the mention on the air. But we’re gonna try and get through all of ’em. So, oh, and one last one here from Wade Goldsmith, just because I love what you wrote. The stickers are real exclamation, exclamation. He says, thank you so much for the stickers. I placed one on my toolbox. The other one I’m thinking I need to put some someplace so it’s seen by everyone. My oh four Rubicon, my oh five Duramax, my 19 Kenworth. Or maybe just a new frontier. I have been considering a pro fourex. Oh and this coming in a Banks envelope. Made my wife ask, what did you buy?

Holman (1h 51m 53s):

So anyway, Wade, we appreciate you listening to the show as always. We love all you guys. We appreciate all you guys. Send us your pictures of Frontier spotting out on the road and we will send you some stickers.

5 (1h 52m 6s):

Oh come on And be part of the show called the five Star Hotline. 6 5 7 2 0 5 6 1 0 5. It’s the five star hotline hotline.

21 (1h 52m 24s):

Sean Jay. Yes. Using first name, I’ve gotta call you because you guys are bashing on my technician listening to the episode where you’re talking to Nick from Bud Diesel. And you guys are ratting the Raven, how techs aren’t techs and how they are just heart replacers. But there’re maybe a little bit more to it than you guys realize coming from a and dealership. And oftentimes, especially for warranty repairs, technicians are limited in the scope.

Lightning (1h 52m 54s):

I feel like we, we need to pause and say that it, he’s calling from a dealership in case you didn’t get that. Yeah,

Holman (1h 52m 58s):

Yeah. It, I I think we got it. Okay.

Lightning (1h 52m 60s):

I’m just making sure. Or

21 (1h 53m 0s):

They can do, if there’s not a demonstrable failure, they are not able to replace parts just because they’re known to go bad. So if you’re doing a common failure point, like you were talking about E G R failures and there is no demonstratable failure to an oil cooler, they cannot just replace them just because they’re nearby and charge warranty. Now you may be able to upsell a customer the replacement, but oftentimes customers are expecting a warrantable Repair to be no charge. And why would I want to pay for something that’s supposed to be warranty? So there is some limitations that the systems pro are placing on technicians and, and not necessarily just bad technicians.

21 (1h 53m 41s):

Now that’s not to say that there aren’t a few out there that shouldn’t be in the industry, but overall these guys that are working on these vehicles day in, day out at the dealerships

Holman (1h 53m 50s):

Real quick. I came from dealership life and I still have my vehicle serviced at dealerships because don don’t have time to do it. And I like having service records and I have a great relationship with my dealer. By no means was I saying all dealerships are bad and all techs are bad. I know some very good dealership techs, but it seems like there are more partial placers out there than technicians. There are some old school guys and some younger guys who really wanna learn the trade. But there’s also still a lot of kind of low hanging fruit guys that are just gonna go through the manual step-by-step without, you know, which is those tools are provided. But sometimes you have to think outside the box a little bit. Well

Lightning (1h 54m 28s):

You’ve got guys who really enjoy problem solving. Yeah. Right. You have those guys, which is the kind of guy that he’s talking about. Right? Absolutely. They, they’re like, I really wanna figure out what this issue is not just for the customer but for me. I wanna know. Right. And they get to the root of the problem and they go, maybe it’s not the E G R, maybe it’s some other Right. It’s solenoid or something like that. Right. Those are our guys. Yeah. And I don, that’s who we love.

Holman (1h 54m 48s):

I wanna make sure we weren’t coming off as bashing all dealers. No. ’cause again, I’ve got of dealer, I have my vehicle’s dealership service. I

Lightning (1h 54m 55s):

Just did too. Yeah, right. Exactly. So we’re both on the same page. Yeah.

Holman (1h 54m 58s):

Yeah. I don’t, don don’t hate the dealer. In fact, there are people who, if they don’t have a, a reliable quality independent shop nearby, I get dms all the time, Hey, I don’t really have a shop. Is it okay to take my vehicle to the dealer? I honestly, having worked in many dealers, there are a few bad apples out there that will charge for no reason. And but that’s anywhere. Right? I think dealerships are actually held to a higher standard than a lot of independent shops because of the controls corp. You know, the corporation puts on them for customer service. So I would say

Lightning (1h 55m 27s):

Not just that dude, like let’s talk about Yelp just for a second.

Holman (1h 55m 29s):

Well that too,

Lightning (1h 55m 30s):

I mean if you go on and you’re thinking about you moved to, to Chattanooga, Tennessee. Yeah. And you’re like, I need to get my Ram worked on. Yeah. And you open up and find out that Dave Smith in, I don’t know, let’s assume there’s a Dave Smith Ram dealer down there and it’s got like two stars. You

Holman (1h 55m 45s):

Go, oh yeah, maybe not that one. Right?

Lightning (1h 55m 47s):

So Yeah, they live and die by a lot of these reviews and as soon as you get dude down hunting the beach ramp, hold on. They immediately started texting me going, can I have a review? Can I have a review? If I had blasted them with a, with a two star review, I’m sure would’ve gotten a call. And they were like, what happened? Like, why are Yeah, you stars. Right? So

Holman (1h 56m 3s):

Because they need the stars from corporate to get the incentives that they have and they, right. So there’s certain standards that they’re held to. So again, by no means am I saying that all dealerships are bad or all dealership techs are bad. I’m sorry if we came off that way ’cause that wasn’t the intention. But what we were trying to pr, you know, impress upon is that there are a lot of great independent shops that have old school people that are actual mechanics, especially the ones that specialize in the field. And they have a, a, a, a feeling for seeing certain things. And to his point on this voicemail, there are limitations on diagnostics and what you can charge, you know, back to workflow

Lightning (1h 56m 37s):

And, and there’s time limitations. Sure. And that’s, I think when you’re talking about parts replacers, and this is what I think I feel this way, is that they have to get a vehicle in and out as fast as they can. And they don’t have time to diagnose. If they say, I think it’s a bad E G R, then they can and they can do it for warranty or not whatever, just do it. Just replace it, just move on. Next one, is the customer happy? And if the answer’s yes, then they just blast through it.

21 (1h 56m 59s):

Overall, these guys that are working on these vehicles day in, day out of the dealerships are extremely smart, talented individuals that are there to do heavy diagnosis and not just part replacement. So I’m gonna stick up for my, my technician friends a little bit and, and as always keep up the good show guys. I appreciate it. And much love from Sean in Vegas. Thanks so much.

Holman (1h 57m 20s):

So here’s the deal. Thanks for keeping us honest.

21 (1h 57m 23s):

What up you guys? It’s Marshall over in Colorado. Just wanted to touch base with you guys because I sent those three D prints out to you guys and completely spaced on leaving you guys a little note in there. Cyber truck Lightning finally got his cyber truck. You guys can stop bitching about it. Finally got a cyber truck. Didn’t say it had to work though. and then Mike, Nate or Holman, of course you got, you’re the king. The king dingling. So I had to make you a golden

Holman (1h 57m 57s):

All, right? So this goes back to he

Lightning (1h 57m 58s):

Told you a king Dingling.

Holman (1h 57m 59s):

Thank you. So this goes back to Marshall sent us a care package and that wasn a awesome, pretty big scale. I mean it’s gotta be, you know, 10 inches long and you know, three or four inches tall scale cyber truck three D printed. and then also a big, shall we say, just the tip wearing a crown that actually fits in the bed of cyber truck. But there was no note in there. And we were like, this is funny and awesome, but why? And so, but why

Lightning (1h 58m 26s):

Is there a wiener with a crown in a cyber truck in a box?

Holman (1h 58m 29s):

It’s not a wiener. What is it? I just told you It is a wiener. it just the tip with the crown

21 (1h 58m 36s):

Wiener. Anyways, you guys, sorry, it

Lightning (1h 58m 39s):

Just called it a wiener. Dude.

Holman (1h 58m 41s):


21 (1h 58m 42s):

I just had twins a couple weeks ago.

Holman (1h 58m 44s):


21 (1h 58m 44s):

Dude. And adjusting to life with twins. Anyway, you guys have a good one. We’ll talk to you later. Keep those parameters mounted. I’m out

19 (1h 58m 54s):

Monitor key engine parameters.

Holman (1h 58m 57s):

Hey Marshall, thanks for sending us that. If you need help, blink twice. If you need to get outta the house, The Truck, Show Podcast. I’d be happy to give you an excuse if you need to get away. ’cause in twins are no joke. By the

Lightning (1h 59m 10s):

Way, if you’re wondering how you can get on the five star hotline, it is (657) 205-6105. Call anytime.

22 (1h 59m 18s):

Hey, Lightning Holman. I am still catching up and listening in the new episodes. I was listen in the forties episode and you were talking about your issue with towing on the bridge with that trailer with not enough tongue weight. And

Holman (1h 59m 34s):

So this goes back to Lightning’s death defying story of towing a trailer over a bridge with too much tongue weight where the steering got light and he thought the truck was gonna blow off the bridge.

Lightning (1h 59m 43s):

That wasn one of those bridges that that wasn

Holman (1h 59m 45s):

Yeah, the grates in the, yeah, grates was

Lightning (1h 59m 46s):

Perforated. So the wind was coming up

Holman (1h 59m 49s):

Through the

Lightning (1h 59m 50s):


22 (1h 59m 51s):

Reminded me of when I was working for a property management company and they were having me haul junk out of houses and stuff. And they told me, Hey, grab the trailer, go to this property. And for whatever reason they were, the truck they had to tow was a nineties Tacoma with a shell on the back and a bunch of junk in the bed already. and then we were towing like dump trailers with, or like dump trailers that didn’t dump you just had to hand unload ’em. And so I grabbed the trailer he wants, I tell him, Hey, it’s full already. He’s like, oh crap, take it to the dump. So I get it on the highway, get up to about 50 55, there’s a semi passing me and the trailer starts swaying.

22 (2h 0m 35s):

And so I kind of slow down slash sped up to control the sway. Get into a set where the highway has concrete walls on both sides, sway hits again to the point that I ended up sideways and the intersection on like morning traffic through town ended up blocking the exit lane and the slow lane and was very lucky to not get hit or t-boned by anyone on the freeway. And luckily a pickup truck and the fast lane stopped so I could turn and get off the freeway, jumped in the trailer, there was like a load of deck material in the middle and then concrete all the way at the end. There was no tongue weight.

22 (2h 1m 16s):

And so I like, just was pissed. And so I throwing all the concrete to the front of the trailer, all the tires were low. So that wasn just like a lesson to me as a young, young, younger guy to like, just check your load, check your tires, check what you’re doing, because I could have could’ve been way worse. Anyway, love the podcast and keep up the good work.

Holman (2h 1m 37s):

Awesome, thanks. Mystery Listener. And

Lightning (2h 1m 39s):

The, the moral of the story is

Holman (2h 1m 40s):

We need a tow episode.

Lightning (2h 1m 41s):

Nope. Check your load.

Holman (2h 1m 44s):

I heard it but I left it alone.

22 (2h 1m 47s):

What’s up? Lighting and Holman Colby here again, you know, I hadn’t even made it to the intro song Yeah. On this episode. But you guys are asking for poop then stories and, well, I would never refer to my story as being poop zen. I do have a truck stop poop story. When I was in high school, I was with my friend and we were headed all the traveling all the way down through Utah to end up in Lake Mead and down somewhere in the Beaver Fillmore area of Utah. I don’t know exactly where that wasn, that wasn late at night dark. I had to, as I put it, drop the kids off somewhere.

22 (2h 2m 27s):

And so I’m telling my buddy’s dad who’s driving the truck like, Hey man, you, you’ve gotta stop at the next exit. And it’s that, you know, area where there’s an exit and then it’s 10, 15 miles where there’s another exit. I’m like, Hey, you’ve got to stop at the next exit. And him thinking he’s funny, he just blows right past the next exit, just laughing. And I’m like, no, you don’t understand. Like, I am going to restain your seats back here.

Lightning (2h 2m 52s):


22 (2h 2m 52s):

Gotta pull over So. we get off at the next exit and it’s this little tiny po junk gas station. And I go running inside and the men’s room, it, it’s one of those that where there’s only one, one toilet, you know, one stall for the men, one little room for the women.

Holman (2h 3m 11s):

That’s what we call a one hauler.

Lightning (2h 3m 13s):

Oh, well that sounds so gross. Woo.

22 (2h 3m 15s):

Yeah, the men’s room is locked. And I’m like, you’ve gotta be kidding me. So I, I run into the women’s room, there’s no, no ladies there. So I’m like, screw it, whatever. I’m going in, go in and as Lightning puts it, resp spackle, the walls in there, I get done, I wash my hands and I’m, you know, wiping the sweat off of my brow. Go to walk out. And there is a line, if I’m not kidding you, five women waiting to go into this restroom. I looked him dead in the eyes, said I’d give it a minute. Ladies walked out. Have a good one, guys.

Lightning (2h 3m 51s):

Yes. Well told. That’s a great story, man. I’m telling you. That is just awful. Colby. Like, I, I was there dude. You were, you’re sweating. And at some point can you tell me why this is biologically Holman when you have to go number two so bad. Why does it feel like you have to barf?

Holman (2h 4m 9s):

It doesn’t, that’s yeah, it does to me. Does not. No, not me.

Lightning (2h 4m 11s):

Oh, I get sick. Like it’s gonna come through my esophagus. It

Holman (2h 4m 14s):

Feels like, it feels my torso wants to rip off at my belly button and leave my body the whole thing. I’m no stranger to using the ladies room when, when it’s an emergency. Yeah. And I’ll tell you, I may have been leading a group of people at a certain desert museum where there were no toilets open and I couldn’t wait any longer. And I may have used the, there’s no ladies the museum restroom. And apparently I sat on the mic when I got back into the truck and that wasn a certain museum for a certain general who was was popular. Yeah. Patton. And I sat on the mic and I said, wow, good thing everybody was gone. ’cause I committed some war crimes in there. Apparently that went out to everybody in the group and had people looking at me like this.

Holman (2h 4m 57s):

Either laughing or like, oh, cut it off. Yeah. Open mic. Stop talking.

22 (2h 5m 2s):

Hey guys, it’s Rich Holster. Miss you guys. Hope you’re well. Just wanna let you know I’m gonna, I was looking up some tickets for some local bands maybe see if you guys wanted to join me. There’s a band called Colon Blow that will be opening up the troop. So lemme know, I get some tickets for Colon Blow.

Lightning (2h 5m 22s):

Does he know that Colon Blow was a fake cereal on Saturday Night Live?

Holman (2h 5m 26s):

Which is funny. Yeah, I I see what he did there though. ’cause we are always saying band names. Yeah, I, so

Lightning (2h 5m 30s):

I got Rich Colon Blow on Saturday Night Live. Yeah. They were equaling it to the, the amount of, the number of solid brand boxes. Yes. They’re like, this equals 34 boxes of your favorite brand.

Holman (2h 5m 42s):

And if you’ve never seen New

Lightning (2h 5m 43s):

Colon Blow

Holman (2h 5m 44s):

And if you’ve never seen a Flad Shoe Sense. Oh right. That’s a, that’s a great one on Saturday Live. and then the other one you should all see is Sweaty Balls. That’s when Saturday Live used to be good. Yeah. So those are, those are the classics. I

Lightning (2h 5m 57s):

Remember those days. Those days are the classics. 6 5 7 2 0 5 61 0 5 is the five star hotline. 6 5 7 2 0 5 61 0 5. Five star.

5 (2h 6m 6s):

Five star, five star

Holman (2h 6m 9s):


Lightning (2h 6m 10s):

It’s been a minute since we’ve talked about our eventsPage@truckshowpodcast.com. And so we’ll do it now.

5 (2h 6m 18s):

I’ve got four big tires and some bead lock wheels. I’ve got four big tires and some bead lock wheels,

Lightning (2h 6m 27s):

Like how he holds up that.

Holman (2h 6m 30s):

Yeah, that’s pretty awesome. All. right? We’ve got quite a few events this month in May. Yeah,

Lightning (2h 6m 35s):

Well hold on. This is truck show podcast.com. Click on events at the top of the page.

Holman (2h 6m 39s):

Alright, May 7th we got C 10 Palooza six and C 10 Vintage all ages. It’s from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the Stanislaw County fairgrounds. And you can head over to our page truck show podcast.com. Again, like lighting said, hit events. and then you can get all the details.

Lightning (2h 6m 56s):

I’ve got all the buttons in there. So if you click the button, it takes you right to the tickets to registration pages.

Holman (2h 7m 0s):

May 12th and 13th. That would be the C 10 Nats in Texas. Lifted, lowered, vintage, all ages and Chevy Texas Motor Speedway. So you’ll want to check that out if you’re in Texas May 15th through 20th Florida Jeep Jam. And that’s in Panama City Beach, All. right. and then the last one we have for May is May 26th through 29th. And that’s Wheeling for Warriors and that’s at the field and Forest Recreation area in Harrisville, New Hampshire. So if you guys have events, please shoot ’em to Truck show podcast@gmail.com or Holman at truck show podcast.com or Lightning at truck show podcast.com and we will get it on our events page. Doesn’t cost you anything, we just wanna make sure that everybody in the truck community is able to share their events.

Holman (2h 7m 42s):

Doesn’t matter if it’s a small first year, big little

Lightning (2h 7m 45s):

No. And we love charity events lifted. There’s all kinds of really cool charity events all around the country. If you guys are, it’s five, 10, a hundred, a hundred trucks, Jeeps, whatever getting together, let us know. Even if it’s, by the way, if it’s a recurring meet like you guys do, like we’ll

Holman (2h 7m 57s):

Put it on the calendar. Astro Astro

Lightning (2h 7m 58s):

Burger every Tuesday night. Yeah, we’ll add it. ’cause I mean, we just wanna share the truck love.

Holman (2h 8m 2s):

Exactly. We, we, we wanna, wanna make sure the community gets out there. This is our, our part giving back to you guys. So if you guys have emailed us and it hasn’t made it to our events page, just shoot us another email because it may have gotten lost in the shuffle. Lightning and I, I get a fair amount of emails during the week and every once in a while we may miss something, send

Lightning (2h 8m 18s):

It to your events, we will talk about it on the show and we will help you promote Truck show podcast at g

20 (2h 8m 28s):

The truck

Holman (2h 8m 31s):

Show. The truck show.

20 (2h 8m 33s):


Holman (2h 8m 35s):

He is at L B C Lighting. I’m at Sean p Holden and we are at Truck Show Podcast. So you can hit us up on the socials, give us a follow DMM Lightning if you want to get some Spany Banksy parts. Oh

Lightning (2h 8m 47s):

Dude, I hooked up on Ray R b

Holman (2h 8m 49s):


Lightning (2h 8m 49s):

Yeah, I went, oh, I

Holman (2h 8m 50s):

Should, I think there’s an email from him

Lightning (2h 8m 51s):

At some point. Yeah, dude, I totally should have read that. Yeah, I hooked him up with a couple of pedal monsters with ID dash data monsters. Next show.

Holman (2h 8m 57s):

We’ll write it down. Oh,

Lightning (2h 8m 58s):

Okay. Yeah, we’ll talk about

Holman (2h 8m 59s):

Rb. So 18 rrb

Lightning (2h 9m 1s):

Ray, you know about my, my next show. He might have installed them So, we maybe we get a review.

Holman (2h 9m 5s):

Yeah, Ray, if you get those new parts on, just shoot us another email and we’ll, we’ll read it on the air and of course you guys can leave us a message at the five star hotline. 6 5 7 2 0 5 61 0 5. We want to hear from you. Hey. Even if it’s a, keep us honest. If it’s something stupid, we said we need to be corrected if it’s something you wanna No, no, no. You wanna braw with us? Let’s go,

Lightning (2h 9m 26s):

Let’s gonna overload our inbox.

Holman (2h 9m 28s):

Nah, it’s all good. don.

Lightning (2h 9m 29s):

Don’t want them correcting everything we say that’s wrong.

Holman (2h 9m 30s):

Yeah. Yeah. Because, We can just not air those ones good. Show Lightning. Listen, we, we talked about our friends at at onX and Nissan and Bilstein and bands. We went

Lightning (2h 9m 44s):

To, we went to Wilwood, we

Holman (2h 9m 45s):

Went to Wilwood. We were talking about how all the new trucks make it so you can’t do anything cool with them anymore. We

Lightning (2h 9m 50s):

Talked, dude. This was a jam breaking packed. Yeah.

Holman (2h 9m 53s):

A lot of

Lightning (2h 9m 53s):

Stuff in the show. If we, if listen, how many podcasts deliver what we deliver?

Holman (2h 9m 58s):


Lightning (2h 9m 59s):

I’m telling you, tell your

Holman (2h 9m 60s):

Friends about us, like leave a review.

Lightning (2h 10m 2s):

You know what, say what up. Rogan.

Holman (2h 10m 5s):

You know You know what Wouldd be funny is if we start talking crap on Rogan and he’s like, you guys gotta come on the show. and then

Lightning (2h 10m 10s):

We’d be like, yeah, God forbid his listeners bomb us.

Holman (2h 10m 13s):

Oh my God, that would be bad.

Lightning (2h 10m 14s):

No, no. Listen, we’re fans. Wait, wait,

Holman (2h 10m 16s):


Lightning (2h 10m 17s):

I’m gonna back up now. That’s, we’ve already been, we’re fans. We’ve been down that road. Joking. We lived legitimately don’t

Holman (2h 10m 21s):

At No, I was just saying think of all the notoriety. We’d get all the, listen, we need to grow this thing, man. Five years in. Come on. We want more listeners. Tell your friends.

Lightning (2h 10m 29s):

Look at the, look at The Truck Show Podcast sticker. Yeah. Up there on your steer horns. I see. Okay. I see it. What do you notice at the bottom

Holman (2h 10m 35s):

QR code?

Lightning (2h 10m 36s):

Do You know what that QR code leads to us Truck show podcast.com. The reason I did that is because you guys are standing around drinking a beer in your garage and The Truck Show Podcast sticker is either on the back window of your truck or it’s on your toolbox, right? And your buddy’s like, Hey, what’s that? Is that what what’s that? You go, it’s structural podcast. You don’t have to like go to the share button and share it all. He’s standing right there, dude. You take out his phone, you open his camera app and you point it at the sticker donezo. It opens up structural podcast.com. I

Holman (2h 11m 5s):

Thought you opened up his pictures and started showing all your friends. You, you

Lightning (2h 11m 9s):

Can do that. But after you share the link Got it. You subscribe him. Got it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stood there with someone. They go, wait what the truck show? And I just take their phone outta their hands. I open up their podcast app, whether it’s Google podcast or it’s Spotify it here or whatever it is. Yeah. And I, and I subscribe them and I make sure the notifications are on.

Holman (2h 11m 28s):

And then you also give a five star review.

Lightning (2h 11m 30s):

I do when I can. But by that point they’re freaking out that I I have their phone.

Holman (2h 11m 33s):

They have their phone. Yeah. what you, what what? I

Lightning (2h 11m 35s):

Ping only just long enough to subscribe and that’s all I gotta do. Well,

Holman (2h 11m 38s):

Let’s thank our friends over at Nissan. They’ve stuck with us for many, many, many years, almost since the beginning. And Nissan makes a great truck. Whether it’s the mid-size frontier, the full-size Titan, or the plus size Titan Xd. The Titan, is that what it’s called? Plus size? That’s the xd. It’s, it’s a little bit more than the regular Titan. We,

Lightning (2h 11m 54s):

We are plus size

Holman (2h 11m 54s):

And that’s why I fit in Xd quite nicely. Thank you very much. I see. And the Titan. And the Titan XD have the industry’s best five year, 100,000 mile warranty. You can find out all about Nissan’s lineup of trucks at Nissan usa.com or you can head on down to their local dealer. Nissan loves The Truck, Show Podcast. And you should love them back too. What

Lightning (2h 12m 12s):

About our boys over at onX, the world’s greatest off-road mapping app?

Holman (2h 12m 18s):

They’ve got a bunch of new features including Route Builder, which is a new game changing in-app feature that allows you to draw and plan up a trip, share it with your friends, and have it show up on all of your devices. You could draw a line the Snaps trails with your mouse or your finger, while it provides live feedback about paths that could connect you and get you out to where you need to go. It’s available to both premium and elite members. For more information, head over to onX Offroad dot com. Or you could download the Onyx app for Apple or Android phones.

Lightning (2h 12m 44s):

And if you’ve got a Ram or a Jeep three liter EcoDiesel, maybe a 6.6 liter Durmax, 6.7 liter Ford Powerstroke. And you want more power to tow the grade without having a downshift and you want absolute security that this will not leave you stranded. Get more power and reliability from a Derringer tuner, you’ll find yours at Banks power.com.

Holman (2h 13m 3s):

And finally, our friends over at Bill Bilstein. Yes, they are our friends. They support the show. They make a hell of a great product. If your truck is suffering from leaky shocks or blown out dampers, you go to bill Bilstein us.com. You can get ’em for your off-road truck. You can get ’em for your stock truck, you can get ’em for your everyday truck. You can get ’em for your race truck. You can get ’em for your projects, all different lengths and and anything from a direct stock replacement all the way up to a multi tube bypass shock. Anything in between from custom builds to direct replacement. Bilstein Bilstein has you covered. They make a great monotube shock.

Lightning (2h 13m 34s):

Do they make the best monotube shock? They’re the originators of the monotube shock.

Holman (2h 13m 38s):

Yep. And so when the road runs out, bill Bilstein shocks. So keep you going. Find

Lightning (2h 13m 41s):

Yours at bill Bilstein us.com. All, right? Well he is Holman and I am Juan Hernandez, 55 23. Signing off. The Truck. Show Podcast

Holman (2h 13m 51s):

All. right. I guess I’ll see you next week. Juan ota

Lightning (2h 13m 55s):

The Truck Show Podcast is a production of truck famous L L c. This podcast was created by Sean Holman and Jay Tillis with production elements by DJ Omar Khan. If you like what you’ve heard, please open your Apple Podcast or Spotify app and give us a five star rating. And if you’re a fan, there’s no better way to show your support than by patronizing our sponsors. Some vehicles may have been harmed during the making of this podcast.